10 Rules of Being a Teenge Blogger

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So I've recently figured out I have no life... That's why I have to tell you the ten step guide of being a teenage blogger

Rule #1- You can't have friends. Let's be honest if your on tumblr 24/7 just like me there is no time for friends... or a life.

Rule #2- Be prepared to stay up 'till the break of dawn just refreshing your twitter feed. Don't expect to get sleep because being a blogger and sleeping just doesn't mix, which brings me to rule #3.

Rule #3- Get ready to hate everyone around you. Your lack of sleep and the realization that everyone sucks will evidently end your happy go lucky attitude.

Rule #4- Becoming a teenage blogger will permanently isolate you from society as you know it. You can expect yourself to watch YouTube videos until you've decided to put down the computer and pick up the remote.

Rule #5- Even if your life revolves around your amazing friends the only way you will keep them is if they join you into the hateful world of the blogosphere.

Rule #6- Going on tumblr, twitter, Instagram, ect. on an empty stomach is a bad idea. If you take the daring risk I can assure you that after seeing the food porn accounts and people who you follow for no apparent reasons lunch that you'll end up twice as hungry.

Rule #7- After seeing endless grammar mistakes on people twitters you will most likely become one of those douchebags who correct their spelling mistakes (ex: Girl- Their annoying You- *They're), but if you're not the target chances are you think the person deserved it so thumbs up for you!

Rule #8- On tumblr you chose how to be forever alone. You can pick the fan girl where you flip shit when they tweet unintelligent things about their life, but they're famous so it's ok. You can be the hipster blog where you show everyone how to dress even though your probably in your room with sweats and a t-shirt, or my favorite the sad blog, where everything you post is depressing and shows how your life sucks.

Rule #9- After you start your journey into the blogosphere you'll probably start doing things like fangirling, shipping, and all that other crap but don't worry just reblog that shit, retweet that post, and click refresh.

Rule #10- Like one of my favorite YouTubers, Troye Sivan, once said, "Proceed being an Internet explorer. I mean like an explorer on the Internet. Don't use the browser Internet Explorer, god forbid who do you think I am." Even if after your sucked into the life of a blogger don't give up because in the FAR off future you might not be forever alone. Or, you can turn into a cat lady... Whatever works with you.


Hashtaghello (JK I'm a blogger there is no love)

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