Chapter 1

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Freya's POV

 I'm still in state of shock for everything that has occurred. Given the fact that I was nearly killed by my so called "love of my life", him transforming into the beast and the devastating death of my brother, Finn.  My thoughts were cut off when someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey. I know how hard it is for you to watch Finn die but I just want to somehow comfort you. I mean we are no longer strangers to each other and you are like my sister already, Freya" It was Hayley. She returned to share what she discovered in one of Lucien's lab. I smiled at her then stared back to the city of New Orleans in our balcony.

"I can't be weak, Hayley. My family needs me more than ever right now especially when Lucien cannot be killed. I needed to protect them. To protect us. As much as I wanted to  mourn for Finn's death, I need to move on because tomorrow is the start we go to a war that we don't know how to win." 

"Its not just your battle Freya. Its our battle. We have each others back. Always and forever, Freya." she said as she side hug me.

"Yeah, I guess. Always and forever." I replied

"Freya! Hayley!" 

"I guess we are summoned." Hayley joked. We went downstairs of the compound and guess what we saw? A furious looking original hybrid. 

"Well, it looks like Lucien did spare Aurora some serum." Elijah said. When Elijah said Aurora's name it made my blood boil. Aurora is not only a psychotic ex-lover of Niklaus but she is also the so called love of his life of Lucien. 

"And now we have to deal with two freaking powerful beast that cannot be killed! How do we suppose to stop them when they are indestructible?" Hayley worriedly rant. Elijah looked at her when she rant about it.

I envy her. The way my brother looks at her like she the most precious thing in his world. He must really missed her after all they love each other but Hayley decided to suppress her feelings in honor of Jackson.  How I wish Lucien would look at me that way but he loves Aurora. He would do anything for her. My heart is in agony thinking that they are now together.  My thoughts were once again cut off by Elijah.

"I'm sure we can think of a way. For now, we must rest. We need all the strength tomorrow to face Lucien and Aurora." Elijah said. 

Hayley and Klause went to their rooms. Elijah and I decided to walk outside the compound, of course, with some of The Strix members behind us. I know what he wanted to talked about. He is the only one that knows about it. You really can't hide things with Elijah Mikaelson.

"Elijah, I can't wait forever for you to start talking." I said

"Freya, are you sure you can do this? Sister, I don't mean to belittle your magic but Lucien is a different kind of vampire now. He is much stronger, faster and lethal than any of us." he explained as he sit down to one of the benched in the sidewalk. I sit beside him and stared up to the sky. 

"To tell you honestly brother, I don't know where to begin. I don't know if such magic exist but I would do anything in my power to find it and use it against them. Just trust in me okay?" I replied as I looked at him and smiled. He just analyzed me and smiled back.

"I know you can Freya. However, there is also another factor that can hinder your plan."

"Elijah, I would not risk any of your lives just for me to have a chance with Lucien. I mean maybe loving him was a mistake. He loves Aurora not me" I sadly explained. 

"Aurora doesn't love him back, sister. Aurora would always stay in love with Niklaus. Remember that sister. Although, I don't want you to get hurt by your feelings for Lucien. He is different now, Freya.  One or another you will get hurt. Let's get inside the compound and rest. We'll talk again tomorrow" he said as he stand up and walk back to the compound.  I stayed in the bench for awhile then I decided to head back to the compound. 

As I walked back to the compound, I can't help but feel someone watching me. I looked back and found no one. Don't be paranoid Freya! I thought to myself. Once I entered the compound, I sigh in relief. Then suddenly woosh in front of me. Analyzing as if I am injured or something.

"What's wrong Elijah?" I asked him. He grabbed me then hug me. Well it shocked me! Then I heard boots walking towards us.

"Did they saw him?" Klaus asked Elijah. I stand there watching them converse about something about a man following me?

"Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on?" I asked my two brothers. Then I felt someone's arm around my shoulders. 

"Well, my dear older sister, it seems that our lovely Lucien Castle is following you awhile ago. Good thing, he didn't hurt you, Freya." Kol answered me. 

"Lucien is following me? Why would he do that? He could easily snap my neck right there and I wasn't even alert about it!" Shock is evident in my voice. Why would he do that? Am I part of another plan to hurt my siblings?

"So from now on, you are not allowed to go outside of the compound. If you need something just ask one of Elijah's servants to do it for you." Klaus said. Before I could even protest with his "order" he vanished once again to his room. So much for democracy in this family.

"Elijah? How can I help if I am stuck here? I am not Hope to be protected!" I yelled. Apparently, Elijah is not happy with what happened awhile ago.

"Its for your own good, Freya. You may not be Hope but you are part of this family so you are also needed to be protected Freya."

"But Elijah! I can protect myself from him." I explained further

"No, Freya. You were almost killed not 24 hours ago and you want another threat coming from him? He is using you as bait! I don't want you to get hurt or killed because of him!" he said and just like Niklaus he woosh to his room.

Sometimes having vampires for brothers are just so complicated. I went to my room to change and rest but I can't find myself sleeping but instead thinking of a reason for Lucien to follow me. If just wanted me dead then he could do it there. Why? 

"Argh! You and your stupid charming smile! I hate you!" I said. 

Maybe Elijah was right. Maybe he wanted me as a bait to lure my brother to their pending death. Maybe I should just listen to them. I can't help think about what Elijah said. 

Maybe my feelings for Lucien would just hinder our plans for him and Aurora.

Maybe I just need to ignore it for my family's safety.

Maybe we are just not meant to be together. 

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