Chapter 15

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Elijah's POV

I noticed something different from Freya the moment she entered the compound. When Niklaus told her about the spell that Vincent discovered, she seem shocked and frantic about it. She must be hiding something. I know its none of my business to interfere with her life but something is not right about her and as a brother I must know what's troubling my sister.

Hayley's POV

I know that Elijah noticed something different about Freya and I did notice it too. Perhaps I should talk to her about it later. After feeding Hope, I gently lay her down in her crib. I looked at my sleeping daughter and realized everything that is happening is just the beginning to the never-ending danger of my daughter to this world.

"Oh my sweetheart, you would soon realize that being a special is also dangerous. I do hope you can be strong to face it all in the future." I said kissing her forehead and walk out of her room. I went to Freya's room and knock on the door.

"Freya? Can we talk?" I said. Just then the door opens to reveal Freya. She opens the door wider so I can enter her room. Her room was a mess. I can see scattered grimoire books everywhere and candles.

"Sorry for the mess. I was just reading my grimoires. So what do you want to talk about?" she explained collecting the scattered grimoires and candles. She placed it on her bookshelf and looked at me.

"You seem distress awhile ago. I mean Elijah also noticed it." I babbled sitting down on the edge of her bed.

"I'm fine, Hayley. You know that waking up that early is really not my thing. Elijah is being paranoid. He also noticed things." She explained. I've known Freya for awhile now but I can detect that she really is hiding something.

"I know something is up. You can trust me Freya. Elijah and Klaus won't know about it, I promise." I said holding her hands. She smiled at me.

"Its nothing really, Hayley. I'm fine." She said smiling. Well, I guess I couldn't push it out of her.

"Okay. If you need anything or you need to talk to someone, just call me okay? We're family, Freya. Family doesn't keep secrets from each other." I said. Okay, I intentionally said the last part to push it on her but she just smiled at me.

I walked out of her room and decided to go to Elijah's room. If Freya can't talk to me maybe Elijah would make her talk. I knocked on Elijah's door after a few minutes he open it.

"Hayley, is there something wrong?" he asked opening his bedroom door wider so I welcome myself in. I crossed my arms around my chest and faced him.

"Its not me, Elijah. Its Freya. She a bit off today like something is bothering her. I'm just worried about her. I mean she has been through a lot this past few months and no one dared to talk to her. I tried but she won't let me." I explained to Elijah.

"I know, Hayley. Then I will talk to her instead." He said walking out of his bedroom.

I went back to Hope's room as I wait for the result of Elijah's "talk" with Freya.

Freya's POV

After Hayley left my room, I decided to sit down on the balcony. Then a few minutes passed, I heard a knock on my door.

"Sister, its me." Elijah said on the other side of the door. I just sighed. Here we go again with the lies.

"Come in." I said. Elijah opened the door and walk inside my room. I cross my arms around my chest and lean on the door of the balcony.

"I'm guessing you are here to talk to me as well. You and Hayley are such a power couple when it comes to instinct don't you think? Or maybe both of you are turning paranoid just like Niklaus." I bluntly said to him. I guess he was taken back with the statements I just said to him.

"We are just concern, Freya." He said sitting down on the edge of my bed. I just rolled my eyes.

"You know you can't lie to me, Freya. I know something is troubling you." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"Maybe there is something but I prefer not to share it to anyone. You wouldn't mind your older sister keeping this tiny little thing to herself." I said to him.

"Alright then. Just so you know we are going to kill him, Freya. You should be ready for it." He bluntly said to me.

"I am ready Elijah. I do hope you are ready of the outcome of it." I said smirking at him.

"You can go now, Elijah." I added.

I felt him vamp speed back to his room I guess. I admit I was a bitch towards Elijah but I'm just not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. I have to find a way to save Lucien and stop this war. It would be a suicide mission, I tell you.

I would surely need more than just luck to succeed in my plan for this because if it fails, one of them will die and I don't want that to happen. 

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