Is that supposed to be Hak?!

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"Damn it, why won't she wake up?"

"She's not a morning person."

"Maybe she's dead. The damn bitch deserved it-"

"Hak! There are children!"

"Both of the ones you classify as children are currently sleeping."

I open my blurry eyes again, and find Shiko curled up in my armpit. 

"About time. We thought you were-"

"Yeah, yeah. Dead. I know."

Yona and Hak are standing over me, Hak having been repeatedly stabbing me in the face with the blunt end of his weapon.

"I'm going back into town. I...forgot to buy something."

"You make it sound as if you weren't even looking, Ex-General, Sir."

"Put a sock in it, Kuro."

Shiko wakes up and yawns. 

"Hello everyone!" he says, smiling. 


"Take a hike back to the castle, Hak! Let's see if the new King cares much for you!" I growl at him.

"Oh whatever. I'm going to things. I'm leaving my weapon with Shin-ah."

"Well, this time, we'll come with you." I say, standing up and brushing off my black cloak. 


"Right then. Who's coming along?"

Hak looks at Shiko, then gives me a look as if to say Leave the kid. This town is bad news.

I know!

"I'll come!" Shiko pipes up, and I ruffle his pale hair. 

"Sorry, Shiko. You're going to stay behind for this one. If we find something interesting that you might like, I'll come get you."

Shiko looks a little sad, but he agrees.

"Kija, let's get going."

Kija runs over to Yona immediately. 

"Hey....Shin-ah?" I call, looking towards the place I last saw him. 

He pokes his head around a tree. 

"Good morning."

"Good morning...Kuro."

"We're going into town with Hak. I was wondering if you could stay behind to look after Shiko for me?"

He nods. 


I smile. 

"Thank you."

But then I remember something I don't want to, and with superhuman speed, whip out one of my katanas. 

I lightly touch it to his nose, and he's probably crossing his eyes to look at it.

"If anything happens to my little brother while I'm gone..." I growl, "I'll carve out your eyes."

He nods slowly, and I sheathe my sword again. 

"Good. Thank you. I'm not a bad person. I'm really not. I would do that to Yona. No one touches Shiko without my permission. I know you won't harm him."

He nods again. 

"I understand....but take Ao."

The squirrel jumps on one of my horns, then slides down to my shoulder as I pull my hood up.

"Sure thing. I'll also be sure to tell you about anything...interesting...that we may find."

He nods yet again. I wave my hand in farewell, and follow Yona into town. 


After about ten minutes of wandering the town, Kija says that the green dragon is here, and he;s moving around a lot. 

"He just won't hold still. If he would, I could capture him. But he won't." I rant. 

To our right, a bottle is thrown out a window. 

"Out of my way!"

"Please, stop!" yells another voice. 

"Shut up!"

Hak rushes over to look through the window, and we follow him. 

Some officers are making a racket and beating up some customers in a shop. When Yona sees, the expression on her face changes from curiosity to rage instantly.

She steps forward to enter the shop, but Kija puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"No, Princess."


"I will take care of it." Kija says. 

"No, stand aside, I will-" Hak starts. 

"You too, I'll finish them off for sure-" Yun begins.

"Stop. All of you. I will take care of this." I say. But then we all sigh, and duck behind a wall.

"I heard rumors that the pirates sunk one of Yang Kum-Ji's ships yesterday. Kum-Ji must be mad, if he's sending his officers to do things like this. I know how you feel about this, but we need to keep quiet."

As Yun explains, the officers come out of the shop, talking in low voices. 

"See, they're gone now."

"Yeah." Yona says sadly as Ao jumps to her shoulder. 

"Let's go."

A little while later, Hak suddenly stops us. 

"What is it?"

"I'm going off on my own. Later, Princess."

"But you're the one who said to never split up!" I call after him, but he's gone.

"What's with him?"

"Hey!" Yun points to a wanted sign on a wall near us. On the poster is a picture of an ugly man with dark hair. 

"What's so bad about...Oh god, is that supposed to be Hak?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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