chapter 1

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On a hot day, eight kids were hanging out side. Raz was showing off his powers and tiny door that can let anyone be inside someones minds to norman and Dipper. Wybie was fixing his bike and building cool gadgets with Neil, sorta helping. The girls, were doing there own thing, Mabel making sweaters, Coraline reading some book and Lili was practicing her own powers.

"See guys, with this tiny door, i could go through your minds, and see your deep secrets you all are hiding" i was talking to the two nerds with me, dipper and norman. "Oh yea, what else can it do?" Dipper ask me, still writing his journal. "Basically just that, though... but hey give me something to do with my cool powers and i'll do it!" Both boys were thinking until norman got an idea. "I know, can you levitate some water!" "Sure, why though?" "So we can swim floating in the air!" 'Never tried it before' i thought. I lift both of my hands and started to levitate a huge amount of water, but i wasnt strong enough then accidently dropped that water on... well most of us. "Really Raz?! I was reading a good book!" "Aahh my bike!!" "I'll help you wybie!!" Both tumbling down. "Hehe sorry guys, but dont worry with a push of this" i then force some air to dry everyone off. "Tada!!!... heh, sorry norman i guess i still need training" "are you kidding me? That was awesome! More awesome than zombies!" "That was pretty awesome me, wasnt it?" "Dont get cocky there, circus boy" dipper commented, then he, along with me and norman started laughing. "I did it!!" All heads turned to mabel, "i made you guys some sweaters!!" Mabel preasenting eight pieces of fabric to us. Lets just say, they werent pretty. "Well what do you guys think?!" She asked. A tapped on my shoulders was dipper, whispering "just go along with it..." "they are niiiiceee....." i said it with reassureingly. While others were 'meh?' 'ummmm' or 'cool!' (From neil) then dipper got his saying "hey mine has the picture of the journal, nice one sis!" "Thanks bro-bro" they pound it. All of a sudden, norman was wearing his zombie sweater already, all heads turned to him then he said "i-i-i kinda really like mine too" while blushing. "Really norman?!! Yay, sweater buddies" mabel said and gave him a enthusiasticl hug. Giving me a raging feeling in me. 'Gah! I shouldnt think of her like that!! Just friends!' Then i accidently heard coraline's thoughts 'man, mabel is so lucky.... norman looked so cute when he blushed' i snickered. "Cmon guys lets go back for some ice cream" mabel said with her cute braces smile.

Dipper POV
All of us were inside the shack when a sudden summer storm came to gravity falls. "Hey guys its a good thing you came back, the news said the tonight is gonna be a heavy rain until tomorrow night" mike informed all of us. "WHAT?!" all said in unison. "Yup, i'll call all of you guy's parents to tell them that you'll staying here until tomorrow night, got it?" "Kay" "sure whatever" basically everyone agreed. I turned back around to watch back the TV, but in the corner of my eye, i see norman and coraline chatting away, getting cozy over there, and the others were playing cards, sitting in order were mabel, raz, neil, wybie and lili. "Weep it guys i win again" mabel, doing her victory dance. "Ah cmon! That the fifth game in a row already mabs!" Raz talking to mabel "dont hate the player Razy-boy!" Both snickering together "i'll get you next time Pines" "anytime razy.." it feels like both of them were flirting with each other then i see lily glaring at them, 'oh boy, better think of somethin' i thought i looked at the clock its near 10 pm, "well guys i'm getting tired, ready to hit in?" Everyone agreed. Me and boys decided to sleep in the living room, while the girls were sleeping in mine and mabel's room. Neil was fast asleep and wybie was showing norman a cool video game. Me and raz started to chat quitely though, "soo..... you and my sister huh?" I started up the chat, then seeing raz blush real hard and spoked "w-what are you talking about?!" "In the game, you two were really something there" me, smirking. "Please me and mabel were just friends, nothing more and nothing less" yup, still holding his ego, yet more with stutters and blushing 'this just got interesting' i thought "sure whatver you say" me saying while lyinh down to bed.

Mabel POV
"Please me and mabel were just friends, nothing more and nothing less" my heart was in tears but i tried to hold back. I just down for a glass if water until heard that. I walked back up stairs, only to find both girls staring each other, "haha guys whats up?" I asked "i want to get this bed" coraline said pointing the bed of dipper then lili spoke up "yea right?! Im not sleeping on the floor!" "You are too" "im not" "you are too" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "guys i could sleep on the floor!" I suggested while both eyes turned to me. "Guys really.... i love sleeping with waddle" reassuring them with waddles with me. "But mabel...." "yeah mabel thats your bed" both tried to convince "nope mind is set plus i always wanted to try this funton!!" I said very excitingly "it pronounce as futon mabel" "potato, tomato, sato, mango whatevers!" I jump on the futon and went to sleep "night guys"

That Night
Lightning woke me up when suddenly waddles was not beside me. So i quitely walked to find him. I looked near the living room, shack, other rooms, but no sight of him. Just then i hear waddles outside the kitchen door. When i was about get him, a loud thunder startled him and through the forrest. " waddles!!" Whisperedly yelling, i grabbed my boots, rain coat and flash light. I ran to the forrest looking for my pig, only ran in the forrest some more. Until i got lost. "Where am i?" I asked myself. "Hello , whose there?" A voice came behind me, i turned around only to finf a guy wearing a gnome costume.....

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