chapter 3

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Dipper POV
"How in the world did we get seperated?!" I yelled in anger while neil was lying down, thinking of food. "Chicken duck pie....." neil listed so much food that its making me hungry. "Okay, dont panick... i think one of the three journals have... no i read everything on those books... GAAAAAHHH!" I laid back down next to neil. He looked at me and said "dont worry dipper, im sure when get something to eat, we'll think of somethin!" "neil, we dont know where we are. We'll be lucky if we even find---" "whose over there?!" A feminine voice came from the bushes. We both stood up, preparing our fight stands, or more like a two shaken dogs preparing to die. The person came out to the sun light, and what we saw was a beautiful red hair teenage girl. "Hey you two, are you lost?" She asked us, "yes yes we are!!! Can you help us, pre--- im mean ma'am" "eeww dont call me that, my names beatrice"

Norman POV
"What do mean with the edel something?" I talked to the black cat, infront of me. He licked his paw and spoke, "you see not long ago, a beast controlled this forrest right here, but a price was made, his soul was in a lantern and that lantern must be lit at all times. The fuel for that was, these edelwood trees, you know whats inside of these trees?" I shook my head. "Lost souls, my boy...... lucky for you the beast was destroyed by a boy and a woodsman" that story scared me to tears, then i just realized, "if the beast is gone, why are there still edelwood trees? And also why would lost souls be here?" "My boy, this place is where all souls who have not yet been dead stay until they are ready to go back or they have found what have been missing" wait i'm dead? That cant be. "But i'm not dead though.... my friends are not dead!!" "Maybe you have lost consciousness" "no, me and my friends were just walking, and looking for someone" "very interesting, then again, this is the unknown. Anything could happen in these forrest" "is that why its called the unknown?" "Maybe or maybe not..... you see no one know how they got here or why or how, what's.... all those question that might never have answers can never be solve in this forrest" the cat said while i stood up, continuing the converstion, "do you know where to find my friends then?" "No but i could help you child" he then walked in front of me, i followed him. I then ask him "Whats your name?" "I dont have a name" "then what should i call you?" "you could call me what coraline always calls me, 'stingy smelly cat' " "wait you know coraline?!" "Yes, but thats a story for another time" "well for now, i'll think of a name for you" "do as you please"

Wirt POV
I walked mabel around the animal school and see ms lang-... i mean the new mrs. Brown. "Oh hello wirt, and who is this?" Mrs. Brown asked pointing to mabel. "Hi mabel!! I like your bumble bee hair style!!" Mabel said in her exciting voice. "Oh what a very sweet girl, so what brings you here wirt? Its not friday to help the students yet" "no, im just wondering if you seen mabel's pet" "well no, what does it look like?" Huh? I never asked her did i? "Hey mabel! What does your pet look like?" I asked her when she wa playing with the animal students. She then ran up to me, saying "well.... oh i know that he is pink!" "Pink? Well thats a odd color for a pet..... unless your pet was a pig" "thats it!! Its a pig and his name is waddles!!"

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