Peace at last(Sebastian X Grell)

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Sebastian was hurrying around the manner getting this ready for the ball. His master Ciel was out with Baldroy, Finny and Mey-Rin getting outfits and masks for the ball. Sebastian sighed contently as he could get his work done in peace.

"BASSY~" Grell sung out in his usual voice clinging to Sebastian. He could never get a moments peace.

"Grell how in the hell did you get in here!?" Sebastian said pushing Grell off.

"You left the window open silly Bassy~" Grell said with a smile hugging him again. "I just couldn't help sneaking in to see my sexy Se-bas-tian." Sebastian shoved him off again and went back to decorating the ball room in dazzling silver and gold.

"Last time I checked I wasn't yours." He said annoyed. Grell pouted. Then he thought of something and smirked.

"Oh I'll get you to fall for me Bassy. Just you wait." Grell said hopping on the windowsill. "See you tonight." He said leaping out of it.

"Your not invited!" Sebastian called. He sighed again and the door opened and in came three nosey servants and Ciel. Sebastian bowed at his master "Welcome home my lord." He quickly finished his work on the ballroom and went off to the kitchen. He started humming a tune he had planned to play at the ball. He felt relaxed as he started to cook humming happily. CRASH! Sebastian groaned and went to go see what happened.

Mey-Rin had tripped over the sleeping Tanaka who had passed out in the middle of the floor. Sebastian sighed and helped the flustered Mey-Rin up. "I-I'm sorry Sebastian!" She cried. "I-I didn't see him!" Sebastian smiled at the clumsy Mey-Rin as he picked up the still sleeping Tanaka off the floor.

"It's quite alright." Sebastian said still smiling. "At least nothing is broken." He said and started to walk away to bring Tanaka to his room.

"Wait!" Mey-Rin called. Sebastian stopped mid step his smile fading. "Actually................. Pluto got inside and destroyed the library." Sebastian sighed.

"Take Tanaka to his room. I'll go fix Pluto's mess." Sebastian said handing her sleeping Tanaka and walking away. He pulled out his watch. One hour till the party. "So much to do so little time." He mumbled.


"Welcome everyone to the Phantomhive annual ball!" Ciel said as he descended the stairs into the party. "While we wait for the band to be ready my butler Sebastian will play us a something to get the first dance started." He said reaching the bottom of the stairs. Sebastian started to play ( Devil's Trill)and everyone moved to the dance floor dancing to the lone violin.

The song came to an end and everyone clapped. Sebastian bowed and stepped off the small musician podium the band playing tonight came on and started up the music and everyone started to dance again. Sebastian was putting his violin away neatly when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He spun around and came face to face with Grell. His hair was braded back and he was warring a red gown that fell to his ankles. He grinned. "Why hello Bassy-chan." Grell said hugging him. Sebastian just stood there shocked. He had not sensed Grell in his blissful playing. "Hmmm is my beauty making you blush Bassy?" Grell smirked. Sebastian felt the heat in his cheeks.

"No. You just caught me off guard. Playing that song takes a lot out of me." Sebastian said with a tiny smile.

"Oh...... dose it remind you of home?" Grell asked burying his head in the crook of Sebastian's neck.

"No..... It doesn't remind me of hell....... It reminds me of when I was still alive." Sebastian said just loud enough for Grell to hear. Grell smiled and let go of Sebastian.

"Well would you like to dance?" He said. "This is a huge ball that only comes once a year." He grinned. Sebastian still in a daze nodded and lead Grell to the middle of the dance floor and bowed. Grell giggled and curtsied. Sebastian straitened up and started to lead Grell in a dance spinning him around the floor coming out of his daze. Sebastian smiled. He was actually having fun dancing with the annoying reaper. The song started to come to an end.Sebastian dipped Grell as the last note was played. He righted Grell after a couple seconds. Grell's heart beat fast,his eyes were sparkling.He couldn't believe Sebastian actually danced with him. Another song started up.

Sebastian felling finally like he had found some peace for once he held out his hand. "Another dance my lady." He cheekily winked and Grell shivered in delight.

Grell took Sebastian's hand. "Why yes I'd love that." Grell said and he placed the other hand on Sebastian's shoulder. Sebastian wrapped his arm around Grell's waist and they started to dance again. They both felt really happy and at peace spinning around letting the music fill them up.

The song ended too quickly for both of them. "Sebastian come quick!" It was Finny calling him. Sebastian sighed and he pulled Grell off to the side. "Sorry. Wait here I'll be right back." He said kissing his hand then swiftly walking off to where Finny had called from.

"What is it now?" He asked Finny annoyed.

"Pluto got in again." Finny said. Sebastian sighed in annoyance. "He's in the kitchen." Sebastian ran off to go put Pluto outside again. He was back at Grell's side in less than two minuets.

Grell smiled. "So have you fallen for me yet?" He teased, Sebastian chuckled witch was something he rarely did.

"You'll just have to see." Sabastian smirked pulling Grell back onto the dance floor. Grell smiled and closed his eyes and laid his head in the crook of Sebastian's neck as they swayed to the slow song that played.

As the last song came to an end guest started to leave. Ciel came and got Sebastian. He, Ciel, Finny, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy allstood in a line thanking the guest for coming. While Sebastian was busy Grelly went to Sebastian's room witch he new from breaking it when they were out. And since Sebastian never went in there he could freely explore and sleep there sometimes enjoying the sent of him that lingered on the bed.

He was curios about what was in his closet for it had a note attached that said 'DO NOT OPEN' when all the guest left he looked around the manner. It was surprisingly clean and he did not see Grell any where so he decided he would go and read in his room after he got his master all set in bed.

Ciel and all the other servants were fast asleep by the time he went into his room. He did not notice Grell as he started to change out of his uniform. He had just finished folding up his under shirt and placing it onto his neatly folded tail coat when Grell tried to suppress a squeak announced his presence in the room.

"Hey there my sexy Bassy." Gell said stepping out of his hiding place hugging Sebastian from behind.

"Hello Grell. Would you like to keep me company?" Sebastian said turning around to face Grell. Grell's face flushed as he got a full view of Sebastian's exposed chest. Sebastian slipped off his gloves and went to reach for the black pajama shirt he had on his dresser next to half of his folded uniform. Grell grabbed his wrist.

"You wont need that." Grell grinned. "I don't mind you being half naked Bassy." Grell said blushing a little more letting go of his wrist. Sebastian smiled.

"Ok. So my little red rose," He leaned in close t Grell's ear. "What would you like to do." He whispered sending shivers down Grell's spine. Sebastian wrapped his arms around Grell's waist.

Grell looked into the cold red eyes of Sebastian. He rose up on his tip toes and kissed Sebastian. And to Grell's surprise Sebastian kissed back.

Grell broke the kiss and said. "I'd like to dance with my Bassy-chan." He said. Sebastian smiled and started to hum Devil's Trill. They danced to the tune and Sebastian dipped Grell again. Kissing him as he brought him back up. Sebastian broke the kiss and slipped his under shirt and tail coat back on.

Grell grabbed Sebastian's tie and pulled him back onto the bed and cuddled up next to him and fell asleep. Sebastian smiled. Peace at last.

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