To The Ramen Shop !

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Naruto was just getting use to his new home , and Kakashi was getting use to a new member in his house . "Dad , I'm hungry !" Said Naruto with a grumbling stomach. Kakashi said "there is this ramen shop I'd like to  show you , it's really good !"... Kakashi and Naruto had left the house , giving Naruto a piggie back ride to the ramen shop . They had finally arrived . "I'd like two bowls of your best ramen please !" Said Kakashi with a warm and delicate smile . They had served both of them their ramen but Naruto was refusing to eat his food . "Eat your ramen Naruto , it's really good !" "I don't want it ... " they  argued till Kakashi decided to stuff ramen in his face . Naruto's face  lit up and started eating as much ramen that could fit in his mouth . Leaving the shop with a couple pounds more of weight they walked home . "Daddy can we come back tomarro ?" "I thought you didn't want ramen " (chuckling as they leave)...
Next day
"I WANT RAMEN !!! I WANT RAMEN !!!" Screamed Naruto as Kakashi wished he had never taken him there . "We'll go another day Naruto just calm down ..." "I want RAMEN !!!" Going to the ramen shop once again Naruto was happy while Kakashi was starring at his wallet with sorrow .
Hoped you like it !!! Sorry it was so short and I will try to update it as soon as possible ! Thank you XD

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