The UnBeautiful

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The UnBeautiful : Chapter 1

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why must my day get any worst? Is it because I didn't do my homework for Spanish class? Nah.. But she always does this ! I rush to put my combination in so I can hide from her and her dogs. Well their her "friends" not really they just follow her cause shes the most popular girl in the school. Shes a the "hottest" out of the rest of us female population. She has bullied me since 7th grade. I mean of course I stand up for myself, but rarely.

Once I put in my combination, I swung my locker open so fast I knocked the glasses off my face. Great. Shes coming closer. I hear her heels slamming against the hallways tile floor. I gather my shattered glasses and get up so fast I hit my head on the edge of the locker. Fuck! I guess it can! I wince at the throbbing pain shooting through my head . This is freaking awesome. Note my sarcasm. I officially hate lockers now.

"Oh my god !" she laughed. Bitch. "Can you like leave me alone?" I ask obviously not in the mood. Then one of the dogs start speaking ... damn when i thought my day couldnt get any worse they speak. "No." I looked at her in confusion. "And why not ?" she stood there for like a freaking good 30 seconds trying to think of a excuse to stay and breathe my air.

"Because.. um.. uh... you're ugly ... like that ..yeah I went there , ugly locker " I look at her like shes the dumbest thing on the face of this earth. Oh wait, she is. She just called me a ugly locker. I can assure you I'm not a freaking locker. She really is dumb and pathetic. Good thing shes pretty. This is when Amber piped in with her over exposed cleavage spilling out of that shirt that looks way to tight . I mean seriously you can see her purple laced bra !

"Listen Nerd why don't you do everyone a favor and get a paper bag and putt over that ugly ass face of yours and kill yourself." I just stared at her blankly. Obviously I don't take her comments seriously. She's just pathetic.

After she said that she started to walk away . Wait for it..... "Oh and nerd?" told you. She turned on her heel and poured her diet pepsi on me . Well shit if I would have known she was gonna do that then maybe I wouldn't have wore my brand new shirt my mom bought me.

After I dried off in the bathroom a bit , I went to the cafeteria. I looked through the cafeteria to look for my friend Rose. Shes such a beautiful girl wanted by almost every guy in school . Unlike me, shes the second "hottest" girl in school. The first is obviously Amber but I could care less because Rose was beautiful one the inside and out. We met in 4th grade and she hasnt left my side. Though most of my old friends did. They got so caught in the popular image that they didnt have time for me. When I was younger I never thought I was ugly. Well my mother use to always tell me I was beautiful all the time. Then I got into junior high and Amber started bulling me. Soon after that everyone told me, I was ugly. I guess I just started to believe I was ugly too.

I walked through the over populated cafeteria just to get to my table. Yeah, I only eat lunch with Rose I feel bad cause she has so many other friends. She gets along with everyone, the nerds which people think I am just cause I wear glasses. I'm still waiting for my contacts from the doctor. She gets along with everyone basically is which I'm trying to say. She only hates one particular group which is Amber and her dogs. Who worship Amber. Amber is the school slut. She sleeps with almost every guy in the teenage male population. Like shes a whore, big time. My mom always tells me "don't judge a book by its cover." Well when you hear her fucking in the janitors closet with different dudes every week then I don't think "not judging a book by its cover" applies.

I sit down across from Rose who didn't even realized I showed up because shes texting or playing candy crush. That game was dumb. "Hey" I said in a monotone voice.

"Hey." she didn't even look up. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously. "Texting." she answers simply. "Who are you texting?" I have a smirk on my lips. "Just some guy I met on the internet." Wait what? I give her the 'are you kidding me look'. That's when she finally looks up. "Don't you watch Catfish?" I asked her. She just nodded. "Then you would know most of the guys on there are not themselves." I say in a motherly tone. "Yeah, well um hes ... real." she says and continues to text.

I pulled out my yellow gatorade , ham sandwich, brownie and my fruit snacks. I give Rose my fruit snacks because she loves them and then I eat my sandwich. After devouring that delicious sandwich , I smile widely at my brownie. I've waited all damn day for this brownie. I gently pull the wrapper off not wanting my brownie to have pieces that crumble off and raise it towards my mouth.

As I was about to eat my brownie, Rose clears her throat. I look over at her like shes lost her mind . "What?" I ask impatient. She looks at my brownie then me. Oh hell no. This is my brownie. "No" I say like a five year old little boy not wanting to give up his toy. "But Josey!! Just a bite!" she puts on her sad puppy face. "No." I look at her pathetic sad puppy face. "Why?" she asked. "Because its my brownie" I say. I really don't wanna share my brownie. "but ..but you owe me!" uh not in this world honey I don't owe you jack squat! "What? When?" she gives me her knowingly smirk.

"Remember how last week you needed a ride home cause your car was in the shop and I also recall lending you 50 bucks to help you get your car fixed." My faced went pale. Fuck how the - nevermind. "Fine." I handed her my brownie. "just a-" all she did was take two bits and my brownie was gone. That bitch ate my whole brownie. The whole thing. Gone. Thats all it took! I stared at her like she just killed my dog. How dare that bitch. "mmmm that was amazing thank your mom will you? " she got up and pretended her phone was ringing so she couldn't get the shit beaten out of her for eating my brownie.

I got up and threw my trash away and when I turned around and bumped into somebody and caused them to spill something. I look up to see who I accidently bumped into and once I saw who it was I regretted getting up . Fuck my day...


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