The UnBeautiful : Chapter 5

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HEYYY LOVIES ! Thanks for reading ! I'm seriously thankful! 61 reads !!! I LOVE YOU GUYS !!!


I woke up to the sound of my mother yelling at me to wake up.

"GET UP NOW JOSEY OR I SWEAR!" she yelled with a wooden spoon in her hand .

Wait what the fuck? Why does she have a wooden spoon.

"Why do you have a wooden spoon?" I grumbled in my pillow pulling my blanket up over my head cursing the sun and this unholy time. She ignored my question.

"Why aren't you up?" She asked sternly with the wooden spoon raised by her face as she leaned to on one leg. "Because , This is my job. I sleep and eat. That's all I need." I said sarcastically. My mom raised an eyebrow.

"Your ridiculous. GET YOUR ASS OUTTA BED!" she yelled as she ripped those heavenly blankets off my body which was now shivering. " Jeez mother! Its only -40 degrees in here!" I gasped. How dare she? No not her ,I shouldn't blame her . I should blame the fucking school. How dare they?! How dare they make us wake up at the freaking crack of dawn just to go to their hell hole .

She only laughed and threw the towel hanging on my door in my face. "Its like your on there side." I grumbled under my breathe . " I'm sorry honey , speak up" she asked.

I smiled innocently "Nothing mommy." I got up and lazily walked into my bathroom to shower . "Honey?" my mom followed me .

I looked at her with questioning eyes. " I uh .. I really like that boy .. gosh what was his" she continued. Is she talking about Austin. No. Right? No no..

"! That's his name ! You guys should you know go on a date." she winked. Wait did she think .. Oh goodness.

" Uh mom, he was only kidding. I really don't like him . Were not even friends. " I try to convince my mom . But with my luck she doesn't buy it. "Huh? Come again. You don't like him, Honey he kissed you on the cheek! You guys were hanging out!" my mom raised her voice trying to make her point. SHE SAW AUSTIN KISS MY CHEEK?!?!

"Mom first me and him are nothing . He was making sure I was okay. And second you really gotta stop spying on me." she giggled. "So why don't you like him" she raised an eyebrow crossing her arms over her chest. Man I can go on all day about the reasons I have hatred for that douche.

"Well mother maybe if you didn't go on vacations with Steven, you would know that Austin doesn't look all Innocent . He throws parties every weekend might I add ! And every time I look out my window I see him with a different girl every time. And seriously I could go on for days ,but I need to go to hell- I mean school." I said as I walked into the bathroom .

After my warm shower I put on a pair of skinny jeans with a pair off uggs. I also wore a hoodie. I really didn't feel like dressing all fancy. After applying eyeliner and mascara and putting my hair in a messy bun I headed down stairs.

I hate stairs. I walked into the kitchen . My mom was devouring her homemade breakfast burrito. I grabbed mine and looked at the clock. Crap I need to go. I kissed my piglet of a mom on the cheek." BYE HONEY HAVE A GOOD DAY!" She yelled as I ran out. " YOU TOO!" I shut the door. I jogged over to my car door and unlocked it. I got in turning on the radio.

I started my car eating my burrito. It had eggs and bacon. Yum. I looked out my mirror about to pull out when I saw Austin walk out yelling. Seconds later his father came out. Yelling also. I turned down my radio and rolled down my window listening. What I'm curious.

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