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Hana's pov :

I had lots more unpacking to do. I unpacked for around 2 hours (mostly unpacking clothes ) . I dug out a photo of me and my old friends and left it on my desktop . I missed them so badly and I only left London yesterday.

Memories of them flashed through my mind . I nearly cried . Even though I had a few boxes left I decided to go for a walk and calm down.

"mum " I yelled down the stairs " I'm going for a walk "

"okay Hana , take your phone in case of an emergency" she replied

I was about to disagree with mum , I am 13 afterall , however I was too tired and emotional too argue with my mum . I grabbed my converse and my phone and left the house. Once I had left my house I decided to head right . There was a long line of houses of similar standard to mine . I walked for about 2 minuets before approaching a house a little better then the rest . 

The cute boy who stared at me when I dropped my box opened his door and exited his house I walked quicker so the cute boy would not see the tear stains on my cheeks . I despertly tried to rub the stains away . I checked in my phones reflection and they were gone . I also saw the cute boy hastily approaching me .

Not paying attention to my surrondings I tripped over a rock left on the pathway . I wenced with pain ,shut my eyes and felt a tear roll down my face . I then felt a hand on my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes to see the cute boy kneeled down beside me .

"Hey , are you ok ? " questioned the cute boy

"I'm not sure " I managed to say .

" My name is Jacob ,Whats your name ? "

" Hana " I replied.

Jacob's pov :

Hana is one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen . I looked down at her knee . There was a deep cut on her knee .

I reached round to my rucksack and pulled out a bottle of water .

"Here , drink a bit " I said as I offered her the water . I saw the tear rolling down her cheek . I reached out and wiped it away with my finger.

"thanks " she replied , obviously trying too stop crying.

" where do you live ?" I asked

" Number 7 " 

"okay I'm walking you home "

"you don't have too "

" but I don't want to leave you here , nobody as pretty as you should be left on ther own in a crisis "

Hana's pov :

He called me pretty , Jacob called me pretty and he is going to walk me home.

Before I knew it  Jacob was helping me up and walking me home . We talked about loads . As we approached my house he turned to me

" well here we are " he stated with some sort of disappointment

"thank you so much "

"No problem , I was just wondering what school you are going to ? " 

" Murrys arch , I think "

" Great then I will see you at school tomorrow "

A big smile grew on my face  . We said our goodbyes and he walked away . I slumed back into my house in the best mood .

Jacobs pov :

I cant wait to see Hana tomorrow . The night couldn't have gone any slower but eventually it was time for bed .

In the morning I woke up early in order to make sure I was looking great for Hana . I really wanted to impress her .

Hana's pov :

I woke early thinking about Jacob , not even thinking about how nervous I was about joining a new school .



That cute boy Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now