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You were currently sitting face down at the dining table, with Noctis in the seat next to you poking your cheek. Why does Ignis have to be busy right now? This is so stressful. It was the early hours of the morning after some form of celebration held at the Palace, and you had been put in charge of making sure the Prince didn't do anything stupid. Which, of course, meant that you had to be sober.

You were extremely tired and you would say that you were having trouble keeping your eyes open but, unfortunately it was quite the opposite with the 'five year old' Prince sitting next to you asking questions every ten seconds. You had tried to get Noctis to go to bed numerous times but he declined and said, in a very meaningful and inspirational voice, that he had something very important to do. You still didn't know what this was either as all he'd done is sit with you.

You turned your head to the side when you heard a thump on the table and Noctis had finally stopped poking your face. D-did he actually fall asleep? Please please be asleep! Unfortunately those were your famous last thoughts as he started speaking to you again.


Heaven give me strength... "What Noct?"

"Prompto won't pay attention to meeee." He whined at you.

"Prompto is busy taking Noct, he can't have a conversation with you and the maids all at once."

He made a disappointed sound at your response and he shuffled in his chair and then puffed a bit of his hair out of his face as he turned his head to face you, resting his cheek on the table and asked you another question.

"But... But what if he hates me (y/n)?! What do I do to make him like me again?" He sounded quite upset when he asked you the question but he asked you something similar to this earlier and fortunately for you, he was easy to convince when he was drunk.

"Prompto doesn't hate you sweetie, he's just talking to different people tonight. Okay?" You tried to sound as sweet and reassuring as you could to try and convince him.

He frowned slightly at you but then a grin appeared on his lips and he seemed to be happy again. "Oki~" He gleefully replied and sat up again. You watched him do so and then his facial expression changed again.

Jesus, he's like a teenage girl having mood swings.

He appeared to be concentrating really hard on what he was thinking until he apparently came to a conclusion and decided to tell you what it was. "I need to pee."

You would've slammed your head onto the table but, luckily for your head, you were already half laying on it. "Go to the bathroom then Noct."

He looked very determined about going to the bathroom to pee so he then nodded, got up, and almost pranced off out the room. You sighed heavily and sat up rubbing your eyes. "It's like looking after a small child..." You grumbled to yourself and ran your hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair and waited for your hopeless boyfriend to get back.

You rested your hands on the table and twiddled your thumbs. You scanned the room for the clock and then realised that it had been about fifteen minutes since the 'Princess' had wondered off to go and pee.

"I should probably go and find him..." You sighed and got up out of your rather comfortable seat and started to search for him. You walked down the hallways until you came to a staircase and a lifeless Noctis. You quietly plodded over and crouched down in front of his relaxed form. His head was resting on one of the pillars as he sat on the floor and watched you.

"Are you ok Noct?"

He didn't respond and just continued to watch you.

"Are you hungry?"

He shook his head.


Again, he shook his head.


"Mmhmmm..." He finally responded with a yes. Of sorts.

"Do you want to go to bed now?" You asked him softly because you knew he could get touchy when he was tired.

"Yeah..." He yawned and then nodded. You stood back up and held out your hand to him, which he quite happily took and then you had to link your arm with his as he could hardly stand by himself. You walked your boyfriend up the stairs and to his room and then sat him on the bed.

You walked over to his chest of draws and got some more comfortable sleeping clothes out for him and placed them on his lap.

"Ok Noct, you listening?"


"Good ok, you get changed into these clothes and I'm going to go and get changed and to get you a glass of water too because you're very hot and flushed and we don't want you getting dehydrated. I'll be back quickly ok?"


You turned and headed out of the door and closed it behind you. You quickly jogged down the hall and into your room to get changed into your night wear and then scampered down into the kitchen, hoping that no one saw you, to get Noctis a glass of water. You walked as fast as you could back up to the dark haired male's room and then quietly opened the door and walked in. What you found was not what you were expecting however.

Noctis was laying on his back, on top of the bed and only half dressed. You walked over to the bed and placed the drink down on his side table. You looked around a little for his shirt, that seemed to have vanished, as his toned upper body was rather distracting.

You decided to give up and just walked over to him. You stroked his hair in an attempt not to annoy him when you tried to wake him up. "Noct honey, I need you to stand up for me so I can sort the bed out." He tiredly did as he was told and stood up but, he mainly just used you as a leaning post. You had to try and hold him up, while pulling his duvet covers back. His skin was very warm compared to your cold touch and you felt him shiver slightly as you held him.

"Ok all done." You sat him back down onto the bed and he almost instantly laid down and snuggled up. You smiled at his childish actions and went to walk away but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist. You turned back around and saw him watching you with his cute eye expression.

"Stay with me

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"Stay with me..." He almost whispered and continued to watch for your response. "Please?"

"Ok sweetie." He let go of your wrist to allow you to walk to the other side of the bed and get under the covers. He reached out and bought you into a tight hug, his body was much warmer than yours which comforted you. You shifted slightly so that you could kiss his forehead and noticed that he had already fallen asleep again.

You snuggled back down into his embrace and whispered, "goodnight Prince Charmingless~"

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