Chapter one

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Louis had to grow up at a very young age when his dad left because he was gay. 'I didn't raise a fag' were his exact words before leaving him and his mother. She wasn't the same after that night. She fell apart and all he could do was watch. She blamed him for everything. 'It's all your fault.' 'You're the reason why he left us.' His mom would to him and those words hurt like hell.

She became an alcoholic and started drinking like there was no tomorrow. She'd come home drunk and just start throwing things. The first night after Louis' dad left, she was so out of it that she started hitting him and saying things you couldn't imagine a mother would say to her own child. "You little fag. You just had to be gay didn't you? I wish I'd never had you. You're a fucking disgrace." She said with the words slurred. That would happen quite often. And every time it did- she'd be passed out somewhere on the floor. Whenever she'd come home like that he'd hide away in his room crying, praying, and wishing things could be okay again seeing as it was getting really bad.

He eventually couldn't take it. So one night when she went out again, he packed his things. Louis' grabbed all the money he saved up (which honestly wasn't a lot) and headed out the door. He was done dealing with that drunken lady, so he left for good. He wanted nothing more to do with that broken house. Louis knew he had nowhere to go, and he had no friends to stay with. He did once, but they all moved on with their lives and got into college to be someone. Unlike Louis, who had finish school and college wasn't an option.

Louis' pov

I'd had been walking for hours, and I was so fucking tired. I looked down at my old watch my dad had given me a long time ago before he left and saw dim numbers read 10:58. I really need somewhere to just lay down for the night. I continued to look around the houses and just as I scanned over the last one, ready to just say fuck it and lay on the concrete, I saw a hammock swinging in the wind. I jogged quietly over to the hammock not wanting to wake anyone or get caught. I climbed into the swinging, finally laying my head down. It wasn't very comfortable but I wasn't complaining.

Once the next day rolled in, I set out for a place to stay and for a job. I knew the little money I had wouldn't last forever. I looked for a job all day, but they all required some sort of college degree.

This is hopeless I started to think after I'd been looking for two months. The money was running out fast. I was down to my last ten dollars. I had tried stretching the dollars as far as I could but eventually its reached it limit.

So I sat outside some club I couldn't care less the name of. I just need some where rest my feet for a while. Just as I had dozed off, the doors to the club burst open.

"You have to be kidding! You can't do this I'm the best dancer you have!" A guy around my age said throwing his hand up looking really angry. He was only wearing really tight short shorts covered with sparkles. 'Some club...' I thought to myself.

"News flash I'm the owner of this club and I can do whatever the hell I want. Sorry, but you can't control everything sweet cheeks." the apparent owner says. He was tall and muscular with brown eyes. He had a little quiff pushed back that fit him perfectly. The guy in the shorts gave him a very dark glare that would certainly kill if looks could.

"Fine," He said crossing his arms with a smug look on his face "just know you'll never find someone like me to fit the job. I'm the best you've ever had. I'm irreplaceable."

The owner didn't even looked phased by what the guy just said. He laughed in his face." You keep thinking that sweet cheeks. I could have another you- a better you by tomorrow. As a matter of fact, anyone would do."

"You wish. You couldn't replace me if you tried." the guy shot back angrily.

"Wanna bet?" the owner then says and started looking around until his eyes landed on me. I quickly turned my head to seem as if I wasn't just eaves-dropping.

"Hey! Hey kid!" He yelled to me. I turned my head back towards him 'shit I thought'. I pointed at myself acting like I didn't know who he was talking to.

"Yeah, you. Do you want a job? A spot just opened." he said with a smug look on his face. Meanwhile, the other guy looked like someone had just taken his job haha... oh wait

"Sure." I said shrugging. I was on the verge of giving up anyway. What's the worst that could happen? It's not too hard to work at a club serving drinks and what not.

"You're hired. As for you, you're fired. Leave. Now." the owner said pointing to the street then waving me over. The guy rolled his eyes and stomped away to his car pulling off, but not before flipping the owner off.

"What's your name kid?" he asked, chuckling after the guy left. He didn't look that intimidating up close, but I didn't let his puppy dog eyes fool me. I knew he could rip my tiny limbs apart in a second if he wanted because damn he is buff.

"M'Louis Tomlinson." I said nervously, not know what to expect from this dude.

"Well Louis, I'm Liam Payne." he said extending his hand for me to shake. He had really large, firm, strong hands compared to my dainty, small ones.

"Let me show you where you will be working from now on." he continued while holding the door to his club open for me. As soon as I walked in, my jaw dropped. Fuck. I didn't know it was this type of club. This was a gay strip club. Male strippers were on every pole swing their hips, dropping to the floor, and grinding on them. Lucky for me I was gay. 'Maybe I could find the one here' i though as cliche as that sounds.

Liam and I walked down a long hall way passing by dressing rooms. I followed him until he stopped at a door that read 'Mr. Payne'. Liam opened the door to let me go in first and sit at the desk. He waved his hand towards the chair motioning me to sit down across from him.

"So Tomlinson,'' he said looking me over "do you dance?"

"Umm... not really. But I am a fast learner, Sir."

"Good. You can come in tomorrow, so we can teach you and at least see if it'll work, but as for now, I'll have one of our dancers, Zayn, show you around and the ropes of the place."

"Welcome to The Lost Boys Lou." he stated looking at me whilst smiling.

What the hell have I just gotten my self into.


Hey lovies This is my first story ever tell me if you like it and if I should continue be sure to comment also I love seeing you guys comments.💋 1.2k words woozah I'll update soon.

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