Chapter 3

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       "Who sent you?" I question the man who Rift captured.

       "Ya' don't scare me, lil' girl." He says, spitting at my feet.

       "Huh. You got a droplet of saliva on my brand new boots." I say, staring down at my pitch-black combat boots. In a flash I stick my elbow into the mans throat, and push him against the wall. He's defenseless with the ropes I had bonded around him.

       "Scared now?" I say.

       "You're one crazy Canadian, but ya' know, I like my bacon HOT." He says smiling.

       "What the frick is wrong with you? That didn't even make sense." I say, hiding a smile. 

How I wanted to laugh in his face, and beat his butt 'till he couldn't breath. But Iggy gave specific instructions. Just questions, and force. No "ripping them new butt-holes" he said. I told him that it was a form of interrogation. He called it seductive, and morbid. Whatever THAT means. After I get a little bit out of him, I decide he's had enough. I walk out of the room, shutting, and locking the door behind me.

      "Anything?" Iggy says, as he walks up behind me.

      "He was sent by a man named Gore. Terrible name, huh?" I ask, smiling.

      "Sure. Terrible name." He replies.

      "Anything out of Hope?" I question.

      "She was held prisoner, like us, and was forced to help track us down." He says, smiling, "Looks like we got a lot a' baddies for a while."

      "So... What you're saying, is that I can beat their butts?" I ask jokingly. He smiles.

      "Yep. I even give you permission to 'rip them new butt-holes'" He says, chuckling.

      "Finally! Lunch?" She asks.


Iggy's POV

      "Hey, Iggy?" Audrey asks.

      "Yes?" I reply, biting into my burger.

      "Can I go outside, and play with chalk?" She says.

      "Yes. Just make sure to wipe it off the rocks before flying back up." I reply, "And have Becca go with you."

A minute later, Audrey's already on the ground, playing and singing. Becca watches her carefully. Spike bursts through the door.

      "Again?" Rift says.

      "Yes. Big artillery. And I mean BIG." He says.

      "That's what she said." JD says, snickering to herself.

      "I don't get it." Spike says.

      "Never mind that! Go get Audrey!" I say urgently. 

Just then we hear a scream. Five black jeeps with mini-guns and two tanks head to our direction. Audrey tries to flap her wings as fast she can, but she doesn't make much progress. A jeep pulls up, and out steps a huge man, about seven feet tall, and walks over laughing menacingly. With ease, he reaches up and pulls Audrey to the ground. Becca launches herself at the man. He grabs her throat, raises her, and slams her to the ground. We dive as fast as we can. The man pulls Audrey into the jeep. It's too late. I reach the car, and slam my feet into the top. It makes a decent dent, and I almost try again, until I realize both tanks are aimed at me. I launch into the air, as the cars drive away. Tears start to flood my eyes. Becca wakes up.

      "No... It was all my fault..." She says, sobbing, "I-I should've-" she continues.

She bursts into the air, tears still falling from her face. She races as fast as she can in the direction towards the cars. 

      "Wait here." I tell the others. They just nod. It doesn't take me long to catch up to her. She doesn't look at me.

      "I'm so sorry... I..." She stutters.

      "It's okay." I say, trying not to think about it. We rise higher, so we can get a better view. We finally fly over Dawson City Airport. 

      "Be careful. We don't want to violate air-space." I say to Becca. We look down. The jeeps and tanks are parked in the takeoff zones. We see little black lumps on the ground. I look away. I can't stand innocent dead bodies. I look back. I see the man, holding Audrey by the arm. He literally throws her in the jet door, while shooting the pilot. He walks up the stairs, and shuts the door behind him. I look over. Becca is not with me. Then I hear gunshots. I see her running, and shooting the man's remaining men that didn't get on the jet. 

      "Becca no!!!" I say, diving downwards towards her. It's too late, the engine starts up, and I cover my ears. Becca isn't so lucky. She's so close to the back of the plane, that the force of the jet throws her back, and knocks her out, when she hits the street. The jet takes off, and I rush to Becca. Her face is cold, and her hair is spanned out. I urgently pull out my phone, and call 911. I'm not supposed to call 911, but it's the only option. When the ambulance comes, they give me puzzled looks, but I didn't care. I hear an engine, and look over and see, an ATV screaming towards us. It skids to a stop, and Hope jumps out, followed by the rest of the flock.

      "Iggy?! What happened?" She asks. I can't answer her.

      "Shouldn't you be in confinement?" I say, immediately regretting what I said.

      "I came for you. As soon as Rift saw that jet take off..." She says, tearing up, "Do you want my help or not?" 

I hadn't realized I hurt her feelings. I leave Becca temporarily, and allow the paramedics to put her on the stretcher. I walk up to Hope, and simply hug her. 

      "I'm sorry. So you're innocent?"

     "Yes. I was mistreated, so I came to you." She says, looking up at me, blinking tears away.

      "Came... To us?" I ask.

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