Chapter 5

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Two more doctors walk into the room. We all file out so we can give them space. As soon as we walk out of the door we all go different directions. Rift heads off towards the computer lab, JD and Spike head down to the food court, and me and Hope start to walk to the gift shop.
"What were you saying about finding us earlier? That you came to us?" I ask her.
      She looks to the floor.
      "When I was a child, my mother died of cancer. All that was left to take care of me was my dad, my brother, and my sister. Lots of mouths to feed with only one person with one job. My sister went to work at a fast-food place to help feed the family with her share of money. Then the disease came. All the shops were destroyed, the city I lived in abandoned. Well mostly. Paige, my sister, caught the disease and died shortly after. One night my dad was extremely distressed. He kept calling random numbers. When my brother and I tried to calm him down he would just shoo us away. He had a fever, and we started to worry. Late in the night, we heard him talk to someone on the phone. Someone who would bring us supplies. Like food and clothing, and water too. The man would be there in two days. My dad was quiet for both days. He would not say a word. He'd just stare at the wall. On the day if the delivery, I went to my special place in the living room where I liked to read. It was a small doorway that led into a small room under the staircase. A hidden room. I heard the truck outside. My brother answered the door. A man the height of the ceiling barged in. He told us there were no supplies. I stared through my peephole in the wall. My dad got angry and rushed to the kitchen, coming back with a knife. I've never seen him act so aggressively. The man looked at him, and took the knife from his hand. Using it to stab my father. I almost screamed. My father lay slumped on the floor, dead. The man towered over my brother. He asked if my brother had siblings. My brother glanced at my hiding place, and shook his head no. I thanked him in my head. Then, I watched the last person who was part of my family stabbed to death. Anger stirred inside me. The man laughed at my brother's dying face. I remember his words clearly: 'I am Gore, and I am your savior.'" She paused, taking in the scene of the hospital. Tears started to flood her eyes. She continues. "He walked away. And until I couldn't hear his truck, is when I slipped out. I grabbed my clothes, and my dad's gun. I also grabbed my collection of knives. It wasn't safe there. I needed to run far away. One night I set up camp, and was captured by two men who brought me to the camp of Gore's lieutenant, where you rescued me. All they talked about was finding the kids with wings... The kids with wings. They sent me out to get fire wood one day, and that's when I saw you swooping through the trees with JD. I knew I had to find you. My heart told me to find you. So I ran. And was caught again. They beat me up, and left me in a tent. I overheard them talking about stealing one of the kids with wings. I didn't take much thought into it. That's when you came, and freed me. Now I know what they were talking about. Audrey's gone, and I could of stopped it..." By now tears have started to stream down her face. I look at her, and suddenly feel all of the pain she's felt. I've had troubling times too. So I sit there and let her cry. Occasionally touching her hand to know that I was still there. Her crying finally subsides.

"I'm tired of crying. I'll personally kill Gore if I have to." She says, face still red with grief, "I'll follow you guys to the ends of the Earth."

I smile, and as soon as I do, the hospital windows burst open, and the whole building shifts. The hospital is being attacked. I turn to Hope, where she clutches her right arm, her good arm of course, and give her a determined look. She nods, and runs for the food court, where JD and Spike await. Another blast rocks the hospital. Doctors rush in and out of the doors, screaming, carrying patients. It's chaos. I take a deep breath, and sprint towards the window, glass crunching under my feet. I shoot out, and immediately spread my wings, flying through a plume of smoke. I swerve, and land on top of the building. That's when I hear the godforsaken sound of helicopters. I turn, and a bright light is shown on me, the wind of the blades ruffling my hair and feathers, threatening to tear my skin right off my body.

"Surrender now, or prepare to die." A loud voice booms from the cockpit. I will not give up now. I feel sudden anger, and the clouds in the sky seem to shift, to darken, forming a spinning mass of storm right above my head.

"I think your mistaken." I whisper. The air thickens, and shifts, and I thrust my hands out in front of me. A powerful gust of wind, more terrifying than the blades of the helicopter, soars over my head. The wind hits the front of the copter, sending it backwards. It starts to unleash a loud of gunfire, and i aim another shot of wind at the tail. The helicopter swings around and around, the pilot trying to gain control. It crashes to the ground, exploding in a pillar of fire. Once the flames die down, I swoop into the window where I came from. I'm stunned about my ability, feeling my hands, while walking down the hallway. The dark clouds have morphed back into the regular white clouds. The hospital is a battlefield, and I'm avoiding doctors running down the halls, crying patients and family members, trying to find my way to the food court. Every step I take creates a small breeze that stirs up the dust and drywall. What is this new ability? Is my power controlled by emotions? I reach the elevator. Surprisingly, it still works. As I'm filing down into the lobby, I see the receptionists shuddering behind there desks, the whole wall blown out in front of them. The neat painting on the wall, now made into pieces. I collect myself, and walk down the hall. I pass the computer lab; Rift isn't inside. I start to worry, and I enter the food court. Hope sits in the back corner, and JD is knocked out cold. Spike sits over her. Hope sees me, and raises her gun. I start to panic, but before I can do anything, she pulls the trigger.

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