Dan's Walk of Shame

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We get to A&E after a very awkward car ride. Neither of us talked and Dan just stared out of the window. I suppressed my tears the entire way there. You can't imagine how hard it is to see your brother break your boyfriend's hand, from something that you brought upon them. I regret that night. The mental break down, the plan, and even kissing him. I wish i could take it all back and just be happy with my relationship again. It was hard when Phil barely talked for a whole month, and just when he was talking properly to everyone again, I ruin it. 

I take Dan up to the window and he goes in for x-rays while I fill out paperwork. When the lady at the front asks me,

"What is your relationship with Mr.Howell?" I don't i know what to say. I wish it was like Facebook where I could just put 'It's Complicated' and move on, but  she needs an answer. 

"Friend," I say sadly as I sign the last thing needed. I don't know what we are anymore. I don't even know who he is anymore, or my brother. I wait in the waiting room while reading magazines which keep my mind off things. After about an hour, Dan walks out holding up his bright pink cast and saying, 

"Well, lets go home and thank your brother for my Christmas present." He didn't seem happy with Phil. I wouldn't be either, but come to think of it i am just as mad as Dan is. 

I finally get up the courage to ask Dan what the hell happened today.

"Okay Dan, I'm sure Phil must've had a reason to break your hand. What on earth did you do!?" He looks out the window and mumbles something that I can't comprehend. He then turns around and half assly says,

"He is just being over protective. He doesn't want me to kiss you. We should just lay off for a while.. you know, until he calms down a bit." I know he's only telling half the story so I call him out on it.

"You're full of shit. He wouldn't just do that because he's being over protective. Dan. You did something. i know it, but I don't know what." I can't believe these words. I feel like a complete bitch.

"So you don't trust me to tell you the whole truth!? I thought you loved and trusted me, but now I'm not so sure." 

"Oh don't try to guilt me into forgiving you Dan Howell! You know where that got us last time." I snap at him, but he's holding his ground so I continue

"And no, I don't trust you. I trust my brother a lot more than you right now! He wouldn't just snap like that. He must have a reason to break your hand for fuck sake! I mean come on Dan! How stupid do you think I am?!" I yell, he deserves all of this. He is such a liar!

"Fine, you know what! I don't need to be yelled at by you too! Pull over!" He is just as fed up as me, but at least I have a reason. I am just fine with this. So, I pull over. He gets out of the car and stands there for a second.

"Just so you know Dan. The door may be locked when you get home. So you may want to make other arrangements." I drive off not even looking back. I know I'm speeding, but I don't care. 


I'm walking home. I'm not going to call her to get me. I'm just gonna walk home. I repeat this, over and over, trying to keep myself from calling and apologizing. I have nothing to be sorry for after all. I am only trying to protect her any way. She doesn't need this on her mind. She can't  know about this.


I finally get home and run into the flat and lock the door. I'm glad to see he left his keys on the table. So, there is not a chance of him getting in now. Sam and Phil see me run in, in a huff and I stop to say,

"If he knocks on the door, don't you dare let him in!" I say walking to the lounge to sleep. I can't sleep in a place where I'm always reminded of him. 

"Where is he?" Sam says referring to Dan 

"The dick is walkin' his way home from A&E!" I waltz into the bathroom and slam the door. I can't believe I allowed him to toy with me.

Tip Toe Romance (A Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now