The End

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I walk out of my room with my phone in my hand, still beaming. I'm going to marry my one true love and there is nothing on this earth that can stop me. I need to get ready for our date, but that won't take much. It's not like it's not special or anything. I just don't have to dress all fancy. I walk into the bathroom and re straighten my hair. I step out throw on a jumper over my tee shirt and I am ready to pull my jacket on when she get here. "Liza! Are you ready, love?" I stand by the door waiting for her reply. "Nearly!" She says from the bathroom. The door cracks open and I see her in black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a Christmas jumper. She always wears the Christmas jumpers during winter, even though it's January. I love that she does it anyway. "Alright! I'm ready. So where are you taking me anyway?" She asks pulling on her parka that she got only a few days before from Sam. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" I sputter in a mocking tone. I know she hates surprises and no having complete control over the situation. I'm the same, you see, this is what makes us perfect for each other. Our wedding is going to be mental...

I take her hand and we walk out the door and onto the street. The cold wind whips around her red locks and dances the snow at our feet. I am still holding her hand with one hand and I feel the ring box with the other. I all of a sudden get nervous. What if she says no? What if she laughs in my face? Oh, god. What if she says yes? Then we will be getting married! Then have kids and a house and more bills and I'll have to get a real job! I am turning into Phil..... "Hey Dan look!" She says pointing towards a woman walking her dog down the street. "Yeah, and that is?" I say not knowing who the woman is. "You don't know who that is?" Liza asks full of excitement. "Obviously not." "Thats," She starts and then decides to whisper. "Delia Smith!" Oh my god I see it now! That's cool! But you know, I don't talk to famous people well. Even after BBC interviews I want to curl up in a corner and die. "What if she's seen the videos... Oh god." I say. We both burst out laughing and continue walking. "Now you can tell Phil that you've seen Delia Smith." "Yes, yes I can." 

We walk hand in hand through the streets of London. We talk about everything yet nothing at the same time. Even though my nerves are bubbling just beneath the surface, I am completely at ease with her next to me. I want to wake up with her next to me every morning, feel her lips on mine, and always have her no matter what. We are almost to the place where I want to do it. It will be the place where she will tell her friends and everyone, "that's where he did it." We'll go back there on anniversaries. It will be the place we go when we miss each other. It will be our place. It's beautiful, yet ever so simple. It's where we took our first picture together. The little rock wall is just before us. I start to run towards it like a little kid to a toy shop. She trails behind me but soon catches up. I fall to the ground in the snow, pulling her down with me. We giggle like children as we are huddled up in the fine white powder. I pull her close to me and kiss the top of her head. I look down at her. Snowflakes cover her hair and eyelashes. Her face is a light shade of pink. "I love you." I say still looking into her emerald colored eyes. "I love you too." She says forming each word delicately with her plump lips. She digs her face into my chest and I hold her as we watch the setting sun. A small tear rolls down my cheek and lands on the top of the hood on her parka. It's the most perfect experience I have had in my whole existence. 

"Dan?" Liza says pulling away slightly to look into my eyes. "Yes my love." "Thank you." She speaks slowly and smoothly, as if the words were effortless, but these words were everything to me. Without her, I wouldn't be where I am or who I am. "For what?" I ask hoping she feels the same. "For you." She says pulling back against me. "I should be the one thanking you." She inches up and her lips make contact with mine. Our lips move softly yet deeply. It's as if this one kiss shows every word of love and passion we've every wanted to say. I pull her hood from her head and run my fingers lightly through her hair. Her hand cups my face and the other traces lines and patterns on my chest. We stay lingering like this, never getting more intense, but it is still as strong as it would be otherwise. 

I can see us on our wedding day. She is looking as beautiful as ever. Her light veil trails behind her and her bare feet hit the soft grassy ground as she walks. All the music fades away, along with all the talking attendees. My eyes only focus on her. She is my one and only. She hits the end of the isle and we join hands. My hands shake but a light grip from her reassures me that this is right where we are meant to be. The presit's words are lost on me and I only listen enough to understand and respond. My mind is wrapped around this one girl before me. I take in every inch of her. Her red hair trails over her shoulders and down her back. Her eyes glow in the afternoon sun bathing her in soft light. Her hands lay in mine lightly, but almost like she would never let me go. Her thumbs rub calming circles on my hands making me feel at ease. I love her and I want to stay here for the rest of eternity. 

"Liza. Come sit on the wall with me." I say breaking away and standing up. She follows and we sit down. I snake an arm around her waist and her head rests on my shoulder. "We have been through a lot, but I wouldn't trade any time with you for anything." I start. I can feel her smile and she holds my hand. "That's why I have one question for you." I sit up and pull the black velvet box from my coat pocket. I turn to face her now kneeling on one knee. "Eliza May Lester," I begin opening the box. "Will you marry me?" A hand goes over her mouth in shock and tears begin to roll down her face. She removes her hand and opens her mouth to say the one word that could be the just the beginning of our lives together.


Tip Toe Romance (A Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now