Chapter 13

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Yoongi Pov

I grabbed her face gently and pressed my lips against hers. I wasn't thinking clearly and was intoxicated by her scent. She finally kissed back our lips moving in sync. I didn't want to stop but unfortunately I did.
She stared at with me with the eyes that killed me. Memories were flushing back and I had no power over it. I was mad at myself. How could I try so hard and still fall for her?

Hyemi Pov

He kissed me and my heart couldn't stop racing. I stared at him with no words said. He had no emotions written on his face. He says he is falling for me? I can't believe nothing at the moment. My heart ached. He gently touched my face and cupped my cheeks.
"I have strong feelings for you Hyemi." He says looking at me. "I am confessing to you. I want you to be mine and only mine." He says again. I wanted to say something but the bump in my throat wouldn't let me. "Please, say something." He says with pleading eyes. I look at him intently."I don't know Yoongi." I say as my breath hitched. My heart beating fast and my mind spinning. Do I really like Yoongi? I asked myself multiple times. "Please give me some time to think. I j-just broke up-" He hushes me quickly.

"But did you really love him? Who was there to let you cry on their shoulder?" He asks me.
"Yoongi please don't right now.." I say my inside hurting. "If I wasn't there to comfort you, who else would you run to?" He asks staring straight into my brown orbs. The face I was looking to was different. He looked as if confused with himself.
The Yoongi that was mean to me was gone put of sight.
I collapsed into his arms my body feeling numb and confused. I hugged his back tightly not wanting to let go of him. I hugged me back squeezing the life out of me but it felt great. I wanted to stay like this. I wrapped my legs around his waist clinging onto him like a bug.
I took in his intoxicating scent and put my face into the crook of his neck.
He let's go making me look up. "Since you did this does that mean you like me too?" He asks smiling.
"Ani.." I playfully say as he pouts crossing his arms over his chest like a four year old.
"I'm just kidding." I say as he ignores. "Yooonnggiiii." I say pouting a him as he moves his hands from my back and put them behind him.
I hug him tightly doing aegyo but he still looks away. I squish his cheeks and play with his lips. He makes a duck face as I giggle lightly. "I want ppopo." He says cutely.
I kiss his cheek but he points to his lips. "Wae?" I ask. "Because I say so." He says.
He stole my first kiss and I hated him for that but loved it at the same time. I pecked his lips lightly.
"Now what should I call you? Jagi, sound nice..." He says as I hit his chest. "No nicknames." I say as he pouts.
"OK, fine by my Jagi." He says pulling me up. "Let's go the others are down waiting." He says opening the door.
I walk out first then him. He trails behind me slowly. "I'm tired Yemi." He whines.
"Let me get on your back, I'm not that fat." He says hanging loosely on my shoulders. I groan and walk down the stairs. The others stare at us weirdly and starts laughing.
I drop Yoongi on the couch. "HYEMI WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FOOT!?!" Jin yells. "I smashed it on the door?" I said like a question. "You have slot of explaining to do." He says. "Hyung, it's Saturday. Saturday is when we have fun not argue." The guy with brown hair says.
"Fine, I guess.." He says. "We were going to play a game."We are going to play a game." The brown hair guy says. "Hobi, what kind of game?" I think the Jimin guy said. "Truth or dare jamless one." He says.
Everyone gets in circle. Yoongi props himself right next to me his hand around my waist.
"I wanna go first!" Taehyung says looking straight at me. "Hyemi, Truth or dare?"He asks. "Dare." I said quite brave. "I dare you to get a bowl and put it on your head throughout the whole entire game." He says as I went to the kitchen to get a bowl and put it on my head.
I sat down. The bowl hooded my eyes. "Jin, truth or dare?" I ask.
"Truth." He says. "Do you like anyone?" I ask as he smiles.
"Yeah, I have a person in mind." He says as I smile.

The game went on and on with weird dares and truths. It was Namjoons go and asked Yoongi truth or dare. "Dare." Yoongi said lowly. "I dare you to kiss Hyemi." Namjoon said confidently. My face was flushed and hot. He leans in and pecks my cheek.
"PIZZAS HERE!!" Hoseok says running to the door revealing a man with 3 boxes of pizza. He pays and brings it back to the circle.

Hey long time no see. I am very sorry for not updating these past days/weeks Wattpad deleted half of this so here ya go. I am enjoying Young Forever photos like HOLY THEY ALL ARE SO FUCKING HAWT. And seriously that fire video i cried they all so smexy
Aha bye ~ jk_rose

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