chapter 20

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Hyemi Pov

"Yoongi?" I asked and his head shot up. He smiles and looks at me. "I didn't know you were gonna be here,do you know where Suga is?" I ask happily.

Nobody Pov 

'how can she be so blind?' yoongi myself. "Would you be mad if Min yoongi was suga?"  he ask and her smile drops. "You're kidding right?" She asks. He nods his head a no.

"I hate you." She says turning around. "W-wait! Hyemi I can explain." He yells at her and catches her arm. She looked at him emotionless."OK suga cough it up. How you know what school I go to and why. Why haven't you told me this shit." She says.

"Firstly my parents transfered me here and Second you would've never been this close to me if you known I was suga am I right?" He says cheekily getting smacked by a pillow after words.

"And why have you bullied throughout the years?" She asked. "Because I dint want you finding out and being mad at me forever." He days. "Very well then Mr.Suga. I no longer know who you are anymore but a deceased chicken nugget that has came to my life." She says as Yoongi let's out a muffled giggle.

"Now I only know Min Yoongi, a thing that I call my boyfriend." She says poking him in the chest. "I am not thing." Yoongi said pouting and she smiles dauntingly.

"I think we gotta go our parents are probably waiting." She says dragging yoongi down the stairs to the dining room where two empty spots were waiting  for them.

The course was served and their parents talked about business  and such that the couple really didn't care about. But Yoongi did keep kicking Hyemi from under the table. "Stop you big baby." She said as he laughs lowly.

He kicked her leg again. Her foot went straight  to his crotch area and he groaned. His face reddened and he held his crotch tightly looking at hyemi. She snickered as his parents looked at him. "Yoongi are you ok? Do you need to go up stairs?" His mum asked. He quickly ran up the stairs and she laughed. "I'll go check up on him if he needs any help." Hymei said as they nodded.

She climbed the stairs up to Yoongi's room. "Yoongi are you okay?" She says opening the door."That really hurt Hyemi." He said as he was curled up in his blanket.

"I'm sorry." she say half heartedly. "I want ppopo." He says cutely poking out his lips."No." She said happy with her answer before being pulled down right next to Yoongi on the bed.

He peppered her faces with kisses and she giggled happily. He came to one destination which were her lips and kissed them lightly. She kissed him back happily and soon pulled away.

"I love you."

"I love you too dork"


Short and fluffy that's how I like them😊😂 I hope you enjoy and school is starting soon weans slower updates than before😥 Lmao kidding I'll actually  get to update a Lil more because it's every weekend schedule then😉 Hope you enjoyed this!!

My name is Lynn if you don't know that yet.

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