chapter 32 *end*

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hanbin pov

this was the end, the end of everything.

she's still not waking up. I carry her out of this house. It was no use yoongi wasn't even around anymore.

he never came back ever since. I don't want to think she's dead, but maybe she is. they were already banging at the door for a total of five days.

I am too tired for this. I can't hope anymore all hope is lost. I make promises that I'm not going to keep.

"QUIET IM BRINGING HER OUT." I yelled as the banging stopped.

I open the door and carefully picked her up.

I see the five guys I've always been expecting to see. "here take her, I doubt she's alive." I say nearly above a whisper.

"thanks." The guy says taking out to reach her. "On one condition." I say as he looks at me, his face contorted with a an annoyed expression.

"what?" He says. "Make sure yoongi never comes looking for her got it?" I say as he shrugs taking he from me. My eyes pricking tears. I'm sorry. I think as they take the limp girl away from me.

Oh god this situation is stupid. I'm stupid to get involved. I watch as they pile inside the car. I stood not moving just staring.

My mind a full blur not knowing anything anymore. 

The car left in full blast.

Good luck with her Seokjin.


Shit fuckeed up guys, and the fucking comeback too I'm fucked up man. Sequel coming soon

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