Chapter 6: Never Going To Figure You Out

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I smiled as she laughed at my joke. I don't make jokes that often, and it was a pretty stupid joke, but it still felt nice to see a genuine smile on her.

She seems relaxed...happy...the same girl that I knew as a kid...

Maybe she's hasn't changed so much.

"So what's up with you and Johnny?"

I immediately and desperately wished to take that back. Her smile disappeared and that cold, sad expression came back into her eyes. I saw Ferb flinch from the corner of my eye. He's told me before that I was oblivious but I think I just crossed a line.

"It', can you get me some ice cream? Mint chocolate chip? Just how I liked it?" Isabella asked me, pulling on a fake smile.

I hesistated but nodded. I got up to get some ice cream from Irene's Ice Cream Shoppe and I turned back to see Ferb stealing my seat across from her.

I watched as they got into an argument. Well, Isabella was, Ferb was trying to be calm but his eyebrows were twitching. He wanted to yell at her. Ferb never yells.

"Excuse me, Sir. That'll be $5.95." I turned my attention back to the cashier lady and paid my money.
I was about to leave but apparently she wasn't ready for me to leave. "Wait, wait, you're...Phineas Flynn, right? Danville's 'Man with a Plan'? The one who went into space?"

I smiled, not wanting to be rude even though this was probably the hundredth time someone has asked me that. Not that I minded, but I wanted to know what was making Isabella...and upset.

"Yes, yes I am." I answered.
"Can...can I get an autograph?" She asked.
"Sure." She handed me an autograph book and a pen and then waited patiently for me to sign it.
"Who should I sign this to?" I asked for her name.
"Adyson. Adyson Sweetwater." My eyes looked up at her and I saw her smile brightly.
"Adyson?" I asked.
"Yes. Do you remember me, Phineas Flynn?" She asked.
"You're one of Isabella's old Fireside Girls." I grinned.
She looked like she'd tear up and but just laughed. "Yes, yes that's me."
"Well, Adyson Sweetwater, it was nice to see you again." I said and quickly signed her book.
"Wait!" She grabbed my arm.
"Yes?" I asked.
"My shift ends in ten minutes. Do you want to hang out?" She asked.
"Um...," I glanced at Isabella and Ferb who still seemed to be in a heated discussion. "Well, I'm here with some people. Maybe some other time?"
"Here's my number." She swiftly wrote her number on a napkin like she did it all the time and handed it to me.

"Call me." She winked and then another girl took over her counter.

I stared at her, surprised, as she walked into the back room. I don't remember this Adyson, although Adyson did have a lot of confidence...

I shrugged it off and headed back to Isabella and Ferb before the ice cream melted.

Isabella spotted me and grinned, softly. "Hey, Phineas! What you doing?"
I smiled weakly at her age-old catchphrase. "I just got some ice cream for us."

I handed an ice cream cone to her and Ferb and then sat back on a chair. "So, what were you guys talking about?"

Isabella's eyes entered a panic mode and she swiftly made a slicing motion at Ferb. He shrugged. I sighed, watching as they had a silent conversation with their eyes.

Ferb caught me staring and then motioned at Isabella. She looked at me. There it was. That fake smile. Why won't she let me know anything so I can help her?

"Nothing, Phineas. We weren't talking about anything." She said.
"Didn't look like nothing to me." I said, leaning back, pretending it didn't bother me.
"Well, Ferb and I were just talking about Vanessa and Johnny." She tucked her bangs behind her ear and that was when I knew she was lying.
Ferb's eye twitched at the sound of Vanessa.
I sighed internally. Obviously they weren't going to tell me. "So guess who I saw."
Isabella smiled, glad for the change of topic. "Who?"
"Adyson Sweetwater. Remember from the Fireside Girls?" I asked.

Whatever reaction I had expected, it was definitely not her face going pale at the very sound of her name.

"Adyson...Sweetwater?" She asked quietly.
"Um, yes? Izzy, is something wrong?" I asked.
"No...nothing's wrong. I was just...reminded of something." She replied.
"Of what?" I asked, glancing at Ferb. He shrugged.
She laughed weakly. "Nothing important."

Nothing important. Ha. She was shaking slightly and there was a faraway gloss in her eyes.

Ok, Flynn. Change the subject, change it!

"Hey, remember the first rollercoaster Ferb and I made on that one summer?" I asked, smiling at the memory.

I watched Isabella's face carefully and I couldn't help but smile in happiness. Her face regained color and she smiling so brightly. Her smile was the stars I used to see ever so clearly up in Space.

She pulled out something from her pocket and handed it to me. "My most treasured memory."
Ferb and I shared a smile. A photo of us after we built the rollercoaster. "Where'd you get this?" I asked.
She laughed. "I had a Polaroid camera and I took that, remember?"
I nodded, slowly, as it came back to me in a clear picture. "Yes, yes I do."

We all laughed and talked about old memories. Memories of when Ferb and I had no plans on going to space. Of when Isabella didn't look so scared. When she was so confident and fearless. When she was the girl that I knew would be the one for me.


Soooo, any thoughts on Adyson Sweetwater and why is Isabella so afraid?

And what's the deal with Johnny?

And omg Johnny and Vanessa's date?!

Find all that and MORE in the next chapter!

Or not lol

Anyways, platypuses and chihuahuas aside, is my writing format ok? Like its not too cluttered and bunched up or anything? I appreciate any constructive criticism and comments so thanks for reading!

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