Chapter 13: Take A Hint

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I waited anxiously for Isabella's pink car to turn into Maple Street. Ferb threw a softball and shh'ed me.

When Isabella left an hour ago, I'd been thinking about her. About how much fun I always had when I was with her and how I wanted to protect her from Johnny and Adyson if I had to.

Even before I saw it, I heard it come down our street and I watched as Isabella's car pulled into her driveway.

I raced down, barely getting my shoes on, as I ran over.

"Hey, Izzy!" I smiled, running my hand through my messy hair.

Usually, Isabella would turn to me, smile her smile that I recently found out made me weak in my knees, and say her catchphrase that I looked forward to every day.

Instead, she didn't even turn to look at me. She stayed, staring at the ground as she slammed the door shut.

"Izzy? Is something wrong?" I asked.
"Phineas. Stay away from me."

Her voice was different. It wasn't sweet. It was cold and hard.

"What? Isabella? What happened?" I asked, walking closer to her.

She started walking towards her door and didn't even answer me.

I walked faster.

She walked faster.

When she opened her door, I grabbed her hand and turned her to face me.

"Isabella! What's wrong?!" I exclaimed.

Her eyes were closed and her lips formed a grim, tight line.

"Why won't you answer me?" I started raising my voice.
"Stay away from me!" She yelled.

She tried to run inside but I reached over and slammed her door shut. I cornered her against the wall and she backed away.

"Why?!" I shouted.
"Just stay away!" She screamed.
"I can't!" I yelled.
"Why not?!" She shouted.

"I love you!"

I panted from so much anger even though it was love I was trying to show her.

She still had her eyes shut tight and showed no emotion to my confession.

"You don't mean that." She mumbled.
"I do." I said confidently, backing away from her.

She exhaled a long breath and I waited, expecting something, anything.

What I got was her quickly opening her door and slipping inside before I could react.

I banged on her door. "Isabella!"
"Go away, Phineas, or I'll...I'll call the cops!" She threatened.

I stared in shock at her door which I know she was on the other side.

I started breathing harder as I realized that I'd been rejected my best friend who I'd realized I've loved forever.

I tried to push the pain away and I ran to my house, slipping past my parents, and upstairs into my room. Luckily, Ferb wasn't in the room and I pulled out the scrapbook that Isabella had made for me and gave me when we left for space.

It held pictures of all our days of summer. She must've gotten copies from Irving. On the last page, I realized that it was the same picture that she had said was her most prized possession. The one of her, Ferb, and I on our very first roller coaster.

I traced my finger around her wild black hair and her flashing smile. I smiled when I saw that our arms were around each other as the ride dropped.

Suddenly, the tape on the back gave way and I saw red writing on the back.

"I love you, Phineas. Carpe diem"
~Love, Isabella

My heart squeezed when I checked the date.

Eight years ago

The door squeaked open and I heard Ferb enter. He sat down on my bed where I'd hidden myself under my yellow sheets.

"Phineas." He said.
"Hey." I said.
"What's up." He asked.
"Truth?" I asked.
"Always." He said.
"Honestly, I don't know..." I grumbled.
"Do you...want to talk about it?" He asked.
I pulled my head out from the covers and flashed a weak smirk. "You mean, I talk and you pretend you know what I'm talking about?"
"Maybe." He smiled.

I sighed. "I realized that I was...I am into Izzy. I...I love her. But when he came home, she was acting all weird and told me to leave her alone. She practically pushed me away. I don't know what's wrong and she won't tell me."

Ferb was quiet and then spotted the scrapbook. He smiled when he saw the writing on the back.

"So, you finally figured it out." He whispered.
"What?" I asked.
He shook his head and then left. "See ya. I'm going to Vanessa's"
"What?! Thanks for nothing, Ferb!" I yelled.
He waved.

As soon as he left, I got a text from an unknown number.

???: Hello
Phineas: Hello? Who is this?
???: Oh, don't worry about that. Just meet me at the Googoplex mall, today at 12
Phineas: What? I don't even know who you are?!
???: I said don't worry about that.
Phineas: Delete my number, you creep.
???: If you don't meet me, I'll send someone to mess up your precious Isabella.
Phineas: Don't touch her! Even if you send a thousand people, I'll protect her!
???: How can you protect her if she doesn't even want to see you?

Crap. Who the heck is this person?! And how did they know about Izzy and I?!

But...whoever it was, they were right. Isabella didn't want anything to do with me.

Phineas: How do you know Isabella?"
???: Old friend of mine. So you're coming right?
Phineas: ...yes

The person left me on 'read' and I sighed.

I really hoped this person, whoever he or she was, they could help me. I hated knowing that Isabella didn't want to see me. Even if I didn't see her that way, it would still hurt.

Why did it take me so long for me to realize I loved you, Isabella Garcia-Shapiro?

Yayay new chapter! Anyways I have a 70s themed chorus concert tonight and a drama banquet tomorrow and I'm dressing up as the Queen of Hearts. It was a Disney theme. My friends wanted me to go in their group and I was like ok and only AFTER I bought my costume was I like 'oh crap ISABELLAAAAAAA'

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