Chapter 9

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Ending of chapter 8
I turned to sit down and guess who I saw sitting down starring right at me.
Chapter 9
Ryder and Melissa. Melissa was laughing and playing with his hair while Ryder's eyes were locked on me. I swallowed the big lump in my throat and sat down in a chair. I could still feel Ryder's gaze, I looked up and Ryder looked down and then at Melissa. She grabbed and kissed him I quickly turned my head, I didn't need Ryder and Melissa to see me cry. "Oh my gosh babe isn't that your ex?!" Melissa said with a smirk on her face. "Ma-Maddie right?"

"It's Madison!" I said in a louder tone, "oh yea that's right, Madison the freak!" a tear ran down my face thinking about all the things she did to me. I quickly wiped it away hoping Melissa didn't see. "Aww look Ryder the creep misses you," Melissa said starting to laugh. I thought about the time he stood up for me, I knew he wouldn't stand up for me again. Ryder just sat there trying to not make eye contact with me or Melissa. That got me so mad,  I know we aren't dating but I also know that I still mean something to him. He is hurting right now but that doesn't make it ok for him to treat me like shit just because I wasn't ready to give him a second chance. I glared at Ryder who looked like he wanted to cry, that did it. I got so mad that he wasn't protecting me like he used to. I was done with this bitch Melissa. "What the fuck is your problem I never did anything to you!"

"You dated Ryder."

"Thats why you are such a bitch to me?! Well guess what Melissa now that no good piece of shit is all yours congratulations bitch!!! I hope he realizes how much of a hoe you are!"

"Yet he is with me so shut the fuck up, and don't call me a hoe ever again bitch!"

" Is that news to you everyone calls you a hoe, and he is with you because he's desperate!"

"You better watch how you talk about me, right babe?" Ryder looked up at her and stood up ,"I'm not your babe and never will be, you are a hoe, and I was desperate thats the only reason I kissed you." Ryder then looked at me," I'm sor-"

"Don't! I'm tired of hearing those words from you Ryder."

" I know I fucked up bu-"

" NO there is no excuse, it's one fuck up after another with you and I'm done!" Once I said that I knew I was going to cry. I ran out the office and out the school. I heard Ryder calling my name and chasing after me, I pushed my legs to go as fast as they could but Ryder was fast. Ryder grabbed my arm and turned me towards him, I began hitting him so he wrapped his arms around me trying to calm me down. I was crying and wanted to get away from him, so I started screaming as loud as I could. I was kicking and screaming, Ryder pulled me back and put his hand over my mouth. I bit his hand and started running. I turned and seen him chasing after me so I decided to cross the street and run into 7 eleven. So if he tried to grab me I would make a scene, I made a quick turn and was running acrss the street. "Madison watch ou-"
Sorry about the short chapter guys but I feel like it was a good one. I know you all probably hate Ryder right now😂 I do too. Do you think the story is going to fast though? I don't want to have just everything happen at once it has to progress through out the story, I'm trying my best I still feel like I'm rushing. I just really want to finish the story😂 comment what you think!! Thank you❤️

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