Chapter 8

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I pulled away and looked Ryder in his eyes. " I-I don't know," I closed my eyes and turned away biting my bottom lip. I wanted to say yes and just kiss him so bad, but he couldn't be trusted. I wasn't ready to give him a second chance. He looked at me but I could tell he understood and just walked out the room. I just stood there, a lone. I then heard a knock at the door, I opened the door and seen Keith standing there with his hands running through his hair. I looked at him dumbfounded, we just stared at each other's eyes for a while I never noticed how absolutely gorgeous he was. "C-can I talk to you?" Keith asked, I looked at him and nodded for him to come in, he walked in and sat on the bed. "Are you okay?" I just looked at him hoping he wouldn't to see the tears forming in my eyes. I then nodded my head and gave him a small fake smile hoping he would buy it. Keith stood up and walked over to me, he grabbed my head in both his hands and looked me in the eyes." Tell me the truth, you can trust me," I sniffed and nodded. We both sat down on the bed, I told him how confused and stressed out I was about Ryder. I completely opened up to Keith, I had never expressed my feelings like that to anyone. It felt good, and even better I felt like I could trust Keith. "You love him, don't you?"

"I-I don't know, I shouldn't, I mean he broke m heart."

" I wasn't asking if you should or not, I was asking if you loved him."

" I don't know, I can't let him hurt me again I-"

" Madison stop! If you love him nothing else matters, not what other people think or feel, its about you and how you feel. Don't over think it, if you love him than give him a second chance don't lose the one you love forever." I couldn't answer, I knew I love Ryder but how could I trust him?

~}~}~}~}A FEW DAYS LATER~}~}~}~}

Ryder and I didn't say a word to each other the rest of the time in the house, after 2 days of not talking we were able to go back outside. My mom explained how she would be staying in Paris for another week for "business purposes." My brother and I didn't really mind my mom not coming home, it meant that we were able to do basically whatever we wanted. It was Wednesday and time to go back to school, great. I rolled out of bed, put on a white tank top and my red flannel, I decided to wear my light blue holister jeans and curl my hair lightly. I actually looked really good. I decided to walk to school instead of waiting for my brother, it wasn't the shortest walk but I can always use the exercise. I walked really slow and I didn't even realize how late I was until I got to my locker. No one was in the halls so I looked at my phone it was 8:30! I was 45 minutes late, I freaked out and threw my books into my locker. I then began to run to my class, however as soon as I turned the corner I seen Melissa. Melissa was the head cheerleader and fucking gorgeous. she had beautiful blonde hair that was naturally straight, and big green eyes. However she was the biggest bitch in the school. She had a huge crush on Ryder and used to tell me if I didn't leave him a lone she would kick my ass, but Ryder stopped her from bullying me. Melissa and her friends used to make fun of me and embarrass me in front of the whole school. Melissa used to torture me and I never thought I would turn a corner and see Melissa pinned up against her locker making out with Ryder. I froze once I seen them, I wanted to turn and run but I couldn't. I felt sick to my stomach like I would throw up, but I was having a hard time breathing. I just stared at them. I finally managed to control myself, I turned around and just stood by my locker. I decided to miss all of first and second period. I just sat under my locker, my head buried into my knees crying. I didn't want to hold in the pain, I wanted to just let it out I didn't care anymore. I let myself cry until I couldn't cry anymore. I walked into the bathroom and made sure you couldn't tell I had been crying. I then went into third period, math." Where have you been Madison? do you have a slip from the office?!" I ignored my math teacher and walked over to the back of the class to sit down. "Madison if you don't tell me wh-"

" Because I have other shit going on right now and I waited until I could control myself to come to fucking class, now stop worrying about what the fuck i'm doing and go back to the damn lesson!" The teacher sent me to the principals office after that. I had never been sent to the principals office before and was kinda nervous about going. Since it was my first time being sent to the principals office I was pretty sure  I would get off with just a warning. I walked in and our office lady told me to take a seat and wait until the principal calls me in. I turned to sit down and guess who I saw sitting down starring right at me.

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