Chapter 16

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Connors POV
I wake up and I have 771 texts.. I get up and say Ugh it's Travis again.. Travis is my BFf but he texts me a lot. And we'll I text him a lot so why am I complaining??? I read them and a lot of them are from Renae and Cara too..
*Caras Text Group*
Cara: Hey Babe! Got to do lots of videos today leaving for Hawaii with you tomorrow remember?
Cara: Hawaii?
Cara:Its 5:00 A.M. Why are u not awake!?!
Cara: we're coming to pick u up 😘
Cara: almost there!
Connor: Crap I just woke up :/ my alarm didn't go off im so sorry I'm getting dressed see you in a few minutes 💐😘❤️
Cara:Love you see you in a few❤️❤️❤️
*Travis Text Group*
Travis: hai con nor
Travis: Sorry that was my little bro..
Travis: Connor Wth ur usually up by now
And my texts just seem to go on FOREVER!
I get dressed after showering and go down stairs..I put on a jacket because for some
reason it's so freakin cold outside today!
(Btw the pic above is Connor XD)

                                Cara's  POV
We knock on Connors door and he answers. Hai! He says Hai and kisses my head! My dad hugs me and says come on we have a long day a head of us

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