Not Alone

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What felt like hours past in just a few seconds. Although I had jumped, I wasn't falling. It was like I was suspended in time. I felt strange because usually I always had something on my mind, but at that time it was clear. 

Suddenly, I started fall. For a few seconds, I screamed as I dropped, experiencing an extreme butterfly feeling in my stomach. Then I hit something something hard. Pain shot up my spine from the impact. But it didn't last long. Then I started to realise what had happened. Did I hit ground? I wondered. How am I not dead? Wait, why is there ground? How is there ground?

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in some kind of room. But the walls were covered in images. Not printed photos or anything but kind of like the images you see on a computer. Projected ones. Except, I couldn't see a computer or projected anywhere. 

I examined the pictures carefully but I didn't recognise any of them. And I understand that it shouldn't really matter if I recognised them or not. However, it did matter because most of them were pictures of me. One of them was of me when I was probably about 6 or 7. I was with a middle aged woman and we were laughing. 

What are these images and why are they here? I wondered.

Suddenly, I heard a thud behind me and quickly swivelled round. A boy who looked around my age (Oh no, I haven't said how old I am. I'm sorry if you've been imagining a grandma or a baby but I'm 17), was lying on the floor.

When he saw me he quickly scrambled to his feet. 

"Hi" He said.

"Um, hi?" I answered, very confused.

"I'm Theo."

"Uh...I'm Storm. Um, where did you come from?"

"The nothingness. I made the mistake of walking into it without clearing my mind first"

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Well the nothingness is empty until you fill it. It gets filled with thoughts or memories and of course if you walk into it hoping and praying that there is something there for you to walk into then the first thought on your mind is the fact that you're walking into nothing. So that's what the nothingness becomes. But if you clear your mind then your subconscious takes over and fills the nothingness with memories. And by the looks of this room. Yep, these are your memories all right."


"Right, its a lot to take in."


"Ok, so while you're thinking about that, you haven't seen 7 other people fall in here have you?"

"No...why?" I asked .


He was interrupted by someone screaming. A boy with blonde hair fell to the ground with a loud thud. And just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, another boy hit then ground, then another, then another, until 6 boys were piled up on the ground. Then to top it all off, a girl tumbled to the floor.

"You know what never mind" Said Theo.

The first boy to stand up had brown hair and blue eyes. "Theo."

"Hey, Ash." Said Theo.

"Will someone tell me what's going on here?" Said a boy with dark curly hair.

"Do you have to always know everything, Zack?" Said another boy who had sandy coloured hair and looked as if he had never tanned in his life.

"Well, not everyone is as smart as you, Ethan" Said another boy who had blonde mid-length hair and green eyes. 

"That's because smart people can be so annoying sometimes so not everyone wants to be as smart as him. Do you always have to see the best in everyone, Lucas?" Another boy with blackish brown hair said. 

I really wish there were'n't so many boys. I thought. 

Finally, the girl stood up and said,"Jake. Is it too much to ask for you to be nice sometimes?" She had long, blonde hair and brown eyes. "And to answer your question, Zack. We're here because someone else walked into the nothingness but it was actually someone who uses their brain."

"You got yourself trapped in there too you know." Said Ash.

She ignored him and turned round to face me. "What's your name?"

"I'm Storm." I replied.

"I'm Megan by the way. And their names are Theo, Ash, Lucas, Jake, Philip, Zack and Ethan."


She obviously saw that I didn't remember most of their names."Just call 'em 'you'. They'll get the message."

"Ok, but I'm still confused as to what these images are."

"Well, the nothingness is empty until you fill it with thoughts or..."

Theo interrupted her,"Meagan, I've already told her all of that."

"Oh, well thanks because it's a really long and confusing explanation. But as for the images they're memories of your life." She said.

"Memories of my fake life?" I asked.

"No, memories of your real one."

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