Red alarm

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When I woke up my head was throbbing. I started to sit up.

"Ow." I said.

Suddenly I realised what had happened. I glanced around the room and sure enough I saw 7 boys and a girl standing there, discussing something.

"Why did you do that?!" I tried to shout but my head was hurting too much.

They all turned around and stared at me. Their eyes were lit up with delight.

Theo came over to me and held his hand out. I looked at it wondering if I could trust him and after about a minute, I took it.

"Sorry about that. You alright?" He said.

"I'll recover. But you haven't answered my question."

"Ethan." He called to Ethan.

Ethan walked over. "Well, as I told you before you.....passed out, your subconscious mind created this room and filled it with memories. And at that moment your subconscious was thinking about memories of your family and friends. All we had to do was get you to think about escaping before we knocked you out. You probably knew how to turn on the oxygen in your previous life so we needed to trigger those memories. While you were unconscious, your subconscious was thinking about those specific memories and so the images of those memories appeared in this room."

"It turns out that in that room with the people in it there was a switch on the wall a few yards from the door." Said Ash.

"So, I went in and turned it on." Said Megan.

"I'm guessing you didn't suffocate before you got there." I said.

She laughed.

"I kind of wish she did." Jake said.

"Well you're stuck with me for a little longer. Sorry to ruin your fun." She replied.

Jake did not look impressed.

"I don't want to interrupt or anything but I would really like to get out of here." Philip said.

"Good idea." Zack agreed.

"Let's go then." Theo said.

We all walked through the door into the room. I waited for about 5 seconds, taking deep breaths and too my relief, there was oxygen. Unfortunately, it was too late for the people in the compound. As we travelled across the room, I tried to look at some of the bodies. To my horror, around a quarter of the were children. I had to fight to stop the tears falling from my eyes. I didn't even know any of those people but that didn't make it any less horrible. I knew that every body in that compound had a story before they were robbed of their lives. Most of them will have had families. I couldn't decide if having a family who had died in that same room as you was worse than you're family still being alive and having to live without their father, son, mother or more. But, what's worse is that their family had no idea that they were dead because they had been put to sleep to. The only difference s that they have a chance of waking up again.

We had been walking for about 20 minutes when we saw a door in the distance. "We're almost there." Said Ash.

I heard something.

"What was that?" Asked Phillip, looking scared.

"I don't know." I said.

We all just stood there not daring to move for about a minute.

Suddenly the ground began to shake slightly. Phillip walked over to a young teenage boy, his expression full of pity. "How do you think they died? Was this what happened before? To them?"

"I don't know" Ethan Answered.

Red lights started to flash everywhere and a siren started to wail. The sound was deafening.

"WHAT"S HAPPENING!" Shouted Zack, with his hands covering his ears like the rest of us were.


"WHAT WAS THAT!" Theo shouted.

Suddenly all the tables with the people on then jolted downwards a bit.

"AH!" Phillip screamed.

He was still right next the the table and had been jolted down with it.

"Phillip, get away from the table!" Exclaimed Theo.

Phillip tried to run forward but suddenly somethings that looked liked forcefields surrounded the tables and Phillip bumped into the one that was caging him in.

He started pounding on the forcefield but it wouldn't break.


But before he could respond all the places surrounded by forcefields dropped into the floor and the holes they left behind them closed up.

"AHHHHHhhhhhhhh...." Phillip's scream died away.

"NO!" Lucas yelled.

We stood their staring at the floor that the tables and Phillip had just disappeared into.

Then Megan shouted over the blaring siren. "Everyone run! We need to get to that door."

Everyone started to run but Zack didn't move. Theo ran back for him.

"Zack we need to get to the door. If those tables disappeared then it's probably for a reason. It's not safe in here. COME ON!."

"We can't just leave him!" 

"We don't have a choice!" Theo shouted. Then he started running towards us dragging a reluctant Zack behind him.

I sprinted until I did't have any breath left. When we reached the door, Megan opened it and as we predicted, there was nothing.

"Don't think, clear you're mind and fall!" I exclaimed.

Megan nodded then closed her eyes and fell. Then I did the same. 

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