Life After Being Kidnapped

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Chapter 2

Family Reunion

We opened the door and the next thing I know, I'm on the ground and someone is on top of me and is bawling their eyes out. "Oh my God, Blake, I've missed you so much!" It was a girl's voice. 

"Sam let him get up. He didn't even get inside the door, sheesh." An unfamiliar voice said. I looked down at Sam and smiled. Her once chocolate brown hair was now black and it had hot pink streaks in it. Her pale, freckly skin was now so tan that you couldn't even see the freckles. She was wearing a Jack Skellington black tee shirt, hot pink skinny jeans, and lime green converse. I hugged her back and after awhile she calmed down and let me up. 

"Sorry about that." She said sniffling a little as we stood up. I smiled. 

"It's okay." She smiled back. 

"Blake, it's good to have you back buddy." A guy with short dark almost black, brown hair with green streaks in it, brown eyes, tan skin, a piercing on the left side of his nose, and was wearing a black band tee, black skinny jeans, and black converse said grinning, while slinging his right arm around my neck. He was the same guy from earlier. "You don't remember us, do you?" He asked frowning. 

"Sorry." I said shrugging. He grinned again. 

"That's alright; it's been twelve years after all. I'm Alex." Then he gave me a noogie. Bryan, who has mid-length black hair with a blue streak in it, tan skin, black eyes, which I assume are colored contacts, and is wearing a Green Day hoodie, red skinny jeans, and red converse, also he isn't very muscular and he looked to be a few inches shorter than me, Mark, who has mid-length brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes, and is wearing a plain, black shirt, white basketball shorts, and white Nike tennis shoes, also he is muscular and looks to be a few inches taller than me, Nicholas, who has short, black hair with purple streaks in it, green eyes, tan skin, and is wearing a purple band hoodie, purple skinny jeans, and purple converse, also he looks to be more muscular than Mark and is probably five to six inches taller than me, Zach, who has mid-length black hair with red streaks in it, startling blue eyes (I'm guessing he comes from my dad's side of the family), tan skin, and wears a plain black shirt with a white skull and cross bones on the front, black skinny jeans, and orange converse, also he isn't very muscular and he's a few inches shorter than me, Bree, who has strawberry blond hair with bright pink highlights, startling blue eyes, tan skin, and is wearing a purple Gir shirt, pink skinny jeans, and purple converse, also she looks to be 5'8, and Aimee, who has long black hair with what looks like rainbow highlights, bright green eyes, tan skin, and is wearing a baby blue tee shirt with a rainbow on it, baby blue skinny jeans, baby blue converse, also she looks to be the same size as Bree, all came up to me and hugged me. I learned that Nicholas is gay, which doesn't bother me one bit (he was so happy to hear that, that he hugged me again), that Mark is on the basket ball team (obviously), Alex, Zack, and Bryan like to play videogames, and when I told them that I've never played a videogame, they freaked out. I also learned that Bree and Aimee both love to draw and write poetry and told me that I had to read some of it, because they wanted me to critique it or something. 

I learned some things about Sam too. She had a new favorite color: hot pink (not that I hadn't already figured that out), she likes to read and write, she loves My Chemical Romance, she loves dancing, she likes cats and dogs, her favorite food is spaghetti, and a whole lot of other things. My aunts and uncles all came up to me and hugged me and Grandpa and Grandma hugged me and kissed me on the forehead and hugged me some more. After all that was done and everyone settled down, I finally got to sit down. I was curious though. I didn't see Ariel. So I got up and went looking for her. I searched the whole house. After getting lost a few times and taking a few breaks, I finally got back down stairs. I went into the kitchen and went out the back door. I noticed a black-haired girl in the garden and assumed it was Ariel. So I walked over to her and saw that she was reading. I tapped her on the shoulder and she looked up at me. "Yes?" 

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