Out Of The Woods (Malum)

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i know this isnt the ot4 im working on that enjoy this short one. 

''Be silent you stupid.'' Michael whispers as Calum steps on a small branch, making it snap in two. ''There are much more lovely names you can call your boyfriend, babe.'' Calum whispers back as he bents a branch of a tree so he can walk further, holding the branch for his grumpy boyfriend. The red grumpy boy grunts before kissing the Maori boy his cheek, making Calum beam.

''Why are we doing this again?'' The red head asks, stopping right in front of his slightly taller boyfriend to look him in the eye. ''Because I wanted to just be with you tonight.'' Calum answers Michael's question, a small smile plastered on his face as he grabs Michael's hand, bringing it up to his own mouth and kissing it softly.

''I'm sorry that I've been so busy with college babe.'' As a nineteen year old, Michael is in college. He graduated high school with straight A's and wanted to do something with his talent. Meanwhile, Calum dropped out of school in junior year, starting to work for the supermarket in their old town. But, when Michael planned to study at the law school in Chicago, Calum dropped everything and went with him.

''It's your future, honey. Don't worry about it. It's just that I wanted to have some time together today.'' The tan boy whispers. Michael leans in slightly to nuzzle his head in the crook of Calum's neck.

''I promise I will finish college, get a job and help you pay the rent soon.'' The red head whispers, and Calum detects a slight tone of guilt in the boy his voice. ''Don't worry about that, you know I got a raise, it's going to be less hard to pay the rent now.'' The taller boy hopes to assure the red head with those words, but it only makes the smaller boy groan.

''You do all the work while I pay for nothing.'' Michael pulls his head back, away from the warmth of his boyfriend, to look him in the eye. His green eyes are glossy with tears, his lip trembling just slightly as he takes in the features of Calum's face.

With the little light they have, it's hard to see, but it's there. Calum exhaustion is visible on his face, dark circles under his eyes and the frown that always seems to be there on his forehead. It scares Michael sometimes.

''Don't hate yourself kitten, your parents help me and you know that. While we are here in the beautiful city of Chicago, your parents from all the way in Australia are helping me pay the rent, pay for our food and they even set money aside so we can by a proper house one day. It's going to be okay, don't feel bad.'' Calum kisses the mop of red hair in front of him softly, smiling.

When he pulls back though, he sees something he didn't want to see ever again since he first saw it happen, Michael is crying. ''What's wrong baby?'' Calum wrapped his arms around Michael's trembling body, making the boy stumble and a few branches snap in two.

''I just... I'm so thankful to have you in my life Cal, I wouldn't know what to do without you. You mean so much to me, I love you so much.'' Michael's voice cracked a few times, his breathing shallow, but Calum smiled.

''I love you too, sweetheart.'' He whispers back, letting go of his boyfriend to wipe away the tears that have stained the red head's cheeks. ''Let's walk further okay? There's a small lake a few minutes of walking away.''

Michael nods at his boyfriend's request, and grabs his slightly bigger hand to intertwine their fingers.

''There was this guy today at college who saw me with you a few days back when we went to buy groceries,'' Michael slightly grins as he feels Calum's grip on his smaller hand tighten by the mentioning of another boy. Calum hummed to tell Michael that he could continue with his story, ''He asked me why I was with you. He saw you work in Hot Topic and just laughed in my face because you were 'way too punk rock' for me. I just told him to fuck off.'' Calum giggled softly at his boyfriend's response to the boy.

''What's his name?'' The Maori boy asks, slightly tightening the grip he has on Michael's hand. ''I believe his name was Matthew Lorder. I'm not sure. He's in my English lecture though.'' Michael whispers, turning his head slightly to kiss his boyfriends cheek once more, balancing on his tippy toes.

And when someone called Matthew had flat tires the next day, no one knew or saw that except Calum,

And maybe Michael after a lot of begging and tickling.

kleineskelett thanks for the prompt ly.

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