Chapter 11

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I wish we had one more kiss

Jason POV

I'm heading back home, to my sweet angel. The airport was buzzing with life as tourists, men and women with sleek black suits screamed into their phone. As a family of four strolled by bubbling with happiness, I wondered if one day I could be like them.

My hands were tainted with blood. I knew if Summer saw all that I've done, she would hate me. Grabbing my luggage, I started walking toward the door. Stepping outside, I breathed in relief. The air was fresh, and laughter traveled throughout the air. Cars honked as angry pedestrians

made a run at the red light. So much had changed, but so little had remained.

Noticing my bus, I ran towards it but I knew it was too late. It would not stop just for a silly boy who was running toward it. Summer will not wait for a boy who never came. Who was I kidding? She has probably moved on and is living happily. I knew it would crush her if she saw me.

I sat at the benches next to the bus stop. On one side was a teenager humming along to her music. On the other side was a homeless man that everyone avoided. The world was so cruel. We were all the same; if it came down to it, no one was higher than another. All lives are equal, and that's how God created us.

I shrugged off my jacket and placed it onto the poor fellow. The man moved in his sleep, but went back to sleep. His expression told me everything; a man who is still a child underneath. When

everything was stripped aside, we all were truly one.

If only Summer would have opened up. I knew that her sweet and soft lips could be mine. I tasted the forbidden fruit and now I was intoxicated. When I was six, I found Summer sleeping in her room. Earlier that night, I've seen my mom and dad bring their heads close together until their

mouth touched one another. Right after I heard my mom say to my father that she loved him, I wanted to show Summer how much I loved her. I carefully bended down and pressed my lips toward hers. She stirred in her sleep, and being the scared child I am, shrunk away


As I grew older, I knew what I did was wrong and never told anybody about it. I wanted to share as much "firsts" as possible, but I knew I lost the very chance after that one kiss.


Starting a new story, which song, Skyscraper, Hey There Deliah, Skater Boy, One in a Million? Or comment a song below :)

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