First date

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Chapter 2:
Ayya P.O.V.
I havent told any of my friends about Trey yet. Im gonna tell my bestfriend Brea today because he's comming tomorrow.

Bestii Ayya- Hey. Are u busy today? I have something to tell u that u might like to hear 😊.

Bestfriend Brea- Hey. Im not busy today. You can come by whenever. Cant wait to hear what u have to tell me!

Bestii Ayya- Ok. Ill come by your place around 1:00.

Bestfriend Brea- ok. See u then.

(1:00 p.m.)
"Ok girl. What do u have to tell me?!"
"Damn can a bitch sit down first?!"
"Hurry up girl!"
"Well i have been talking to a guy for about 2 months. His name is Trey and he's 23 years old."
"OMG!! Really!? Why are you just now telling me this? How did you guys meet? Have you had sex yet? Does he have money? Does he have a cute friend?" (ayya laughs)
"Im just now telling you because i didnt think it would still be going on for 2 months. And i didnt want to brag about it because it might not have lasted. We met on the dating sight that you and Maya signed me up for. Girl you ask a lot of questions, but no we havent had sex yet. Matter of fact he lives in Virginia and he's actually comming to Las Angeles tomorrow to visit me."
"Ok girl. Well congratulations. Hopefully he's a keeper. And do you plan on having sex with him tomorrow?"
"Girl no! I like him but im not ready to have sex with him yet because i dont wanna rush into a relationship."
"Girl whatever. I need to meet him."
"Uumm not tomorrow your not!"
"Because im not bringin him around you or anybody else right now. Anymore questions?" "I have to go get my house ready for him, so ill call you later. Bye besyfriend."
"Ok bye. Have fun with your new boo tomorrow. And tell me how the date goes."
"Will do!"

I swear that girl can ask a lot of questions sometimes but i love that about her. Now i need to get the guest room together because he's staying for a week at my house. I dont plan on doing anything sexual with him right now. I have had a lot of chicken heads in my life so i just wanna figure him out before i actually "FIGURE HIM OUT" if u know what i mean.

Date day-
So Trey just called me and told me that he landed. Im picking him up from the airport.

"Trey!" i saw him and yelled out his name. He actually looks better in person. I dont know how im gonna keep my hands off of him!

"Hey Ayya! How are you?
"Im great." we hug and i swear he has a nice ass body. This is definitely gonna be hard.

"Good. You look great beautiful."
"Your not to bad yourself" we both laugh and he puts his luggage in my trunk then gets in the car.

(my house)
"Wow this is your house?"
" yeaa."
"And you live here alone?"
"In this big ass house!"
"Yeaa" i laugh

"You can put your stuff in here and this is the guest room"
"Im going to go get ready so make yourself at home"

I got in the shower for 1 hour. I started to do my hair and my make up. Im wearing a black glittery no straps dress and my hair is pinned to the side with curls. Im gonna wear my black heels with red at the heel part. My lipstick is red and i slip on my necklace and earings then i grab my purse and im ready to head out. I walk down the stairs and Trey is waiting for me. He looked up at me and stared like he'd never seen anything like it. Which he hasnt cause im the baddest bitch. I ask him is he ready to go he opens the door and we get in the car. He opened my door for me like a gentleman.
We arrive at the restaurant and take our seats. There was an awkward moment of silence until trey spoke.

"You look beautiful tonight."
"Well thank you. I try."
"You do pretty good at it."
"Thanks" i say while smiling
"So i know the basics about you. I wanna know a little more about you. Tell me about your mom,dad,and siblings."
"Well my mom and dad aren't together anymore. They split when i was four." "i am the oy girl of four boys. I have a big brother named Domoneik, i have another little brother named Derion, and two baby brothers but one died when he was three years old. Then god gave me another chance to be a big sister by letting me meet my little brother Derion and my mom had my baby brother. My baby brother is 13 years old now." "What about your family?"

"I only have my mother because my dad left when i was eight and he never came back. Im the only child as far as i know of. So yeah"
We talked for a while then we ate and left.

The date was really fun. Trey is a funny guy and apparently he thinks im funny too. He laughed at my "jokes" all night. When we got back to my place we said our goodnights and went to sleep.

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