The Dinner

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*During Dinner*
"Sooooo how have you been Savannah!?" Zianna asked."I've been pretty good, how about you and your boys?"Savannah asked Zianna."We've been great! Zane ha been a little bit....unusual lately besides that everything has been fine!"She replied."MOM!"Zane yelled."What?!"She asked.Aphmau began giggling."What?!"Zane asked.The whole table began laughing.
*After Diner*
*Zane POV*
"Mom was right I have been acting weird. I've been friends with Aphmau almost my entire life and I just began to like her randomly, it's pretty weird."I said to himself in his room  after she left."Wow it stinks in here!"I heard a voice say."W-Who's there!"I said as bravely as possible."Oh right!You don't know who I am yet!"I heard it say again this time a saw a little tiny cat thingy flew out of my gym bag"AHHH!"I screamed."Shush! Calm down!I bet you want some answers!?"It said back."What are you?Who are you?Why can you fly-"I said before it said"One question at a time I'm not a celebrity!"It said flying closer to my face."Obviously."I whispered."Hey! That was mean! Anyways I'm Hercules and I'm a kwami and I'm here to make you a superhero!"Hercules yelled.
*Aphmau's Room*
*Aphmau's POV*
"Wow!It's not like Zane to act that unusual!"I said talking to myself
"It might be because he likes you!"I heard s faint voice say."Mom?Are you hiding in my room again!?"I asked the voice."Nope!"The voice said I looked around the room to see a purple cat come out of my backpack."AHHH!"I screamed."Geez chill!"It said."W-What are you!?Who are you!?!"I asked it."You can calm down now!And to answer your questions I am Lavender your kwami!I'm gonna be teaching you how to use your superpowers!"Lavender said."S-Superpowers?!"I asked.
*Next Day*
*At School*
*Zane POV*
"Soooo how do my powers work?"I asked Hercules."Well you gotta say"Hercules transform me!" and the boom your a crime fighting superhero simple as pie!"He answered."Um are there any others like me?"I asked him expecting him to say no."Yep!Her name is A... I probably shouldn't tell you her name."He said."Really?! So am I like her sidekick or something?"I asked."No your colleagues your both at the same level no one is greater or less than the other."Hercules replied."So when do we meet?"I asked."Tonight at your school on the roof top."Hercules told me."Okay also you better hide my friend normally meets me in the front of the school before class right about...NOW!"I yelled to him.I could hear Aphmau running into the school."Hey Zane!Sorry I'm a little late! After we left last night something really weird happened."She said nervously."It's okay,I understand!I had something crazy happen last night too!"I told her looking at my bag where Hercules hid."It probably wasn't as crazy as my experience!"She said."Trust me!Mine is worse, a lot worse!" I told her.
YAY!I did a long chapter! Anyways bye!!:)

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