Chapter 2: The Powers and The World

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I sat in waiting for Yōsei to enlighten my brain on the wonder and works of what exactly I could do now. Just minutes before I had agreed to be a world saver, a dimension traveler.

"Alright," Yōsei's voice echoed in my ears, and I flinched. I still wasn't used to it. "Let me start about how everything came to be and what you are now. Get comfortable because this is a long story."

I nodded and leaned back in the chair, placing my dirty boots on the clean desk. I would clean it later if need be.

"Long ago, when the dimensions were being set apart from each other, there was a being that made sure everything was in control and everything was at peace. This being is called the Great One. The Great One is the one who created myself, who created the fabric of time and the Traveler itself. All the Great One wanted was to have equilibrium throughout every dimension, but he soon realized that balance was impossible. Humans existed in every realm, and he came to the conclusion that humans were the ones to upset the balance. Immediately, the Great One wanted to wipe out all humans, but he noticed that each dimension flourished under the hands of humans as well. Humans needed to be there for the dimension to work, but they were also tearing the dimension apart at the same time. So, the Great One came up with a solution. He would choose a pure soul, not tethered to the dimension filled with normal humans and normal animals. Therefore, that pure soul that was chosen became known as the Traveler."

"Wait wait wait. So your telling me there is this higher up being controlling the balance of every dimension. Like God?" I asked, looking up at the sparkling chandelier on the ceiling.

"No, not God. The Great One is something entirely different, for he didn't make everything that is today. The Great One can not make a soul."

A lightbulb went off in my head and I nodded in understanding. "Oh, alright. Continue please."

Yōsei continued his explanation and honestly, I wasn't bored a bit. This was the history of what I am. I was curious and excited to learn things I wouldn't have learned back in the normal world.

"Anyway, the Traveler was a pure soul not tethered to the normal world filled with humans and normal creatures. The Great One gave them the ability to travel dimensions and bring peace among humans, for eternity or just a short period of time. You see, when a dimension because chaotic and riddled with war and famine, that usually causes a ripple effect. The negativity spreads across the fine line of fabric separating dimensions into dimensions close to the one with wars and famine. Then those dimensions break out in wars, then it spreads to even more dimensions. The Great One himself could not stop the cause of the ripple effect by himself, so the Traveler was tasked to calm the negativity and save the world, which in turn saves more worlds that neighbor it."

"So, if one dimension erupts in chaos and it spreads to more and more and more, all the dimensions would be in turmoil? What would happen if every dimension in existence was in chaos?"

"The dimensions would die."

My eyes widened. Dimensions could die? How? I cracked my knuckles, a nervous habit of mine. "How, exactly?"

"Too much negativity can deteriorate a human being until death, and the same can happen to a dimension. A dimension is like a human, in some ways. Too much negativity kills it. It needs light and dark, but an equal balance."

The information settled in my mind. So, if I couldn't save a world and the chaos grew too much, the world would die. "The Traveler has a lot of responsibility, don't they?" I could almost picture Yōsei's light bobbing up and down as if nodding.

"Yes, the Traveler is the one tasked for saving worlds. I told you this. Back to the history lesson now. Once the Great One had chosen the first Traveler and told him what he must do, the Traveler saved many dimensions at that time, but soon both realized that dimensions would never completely stay in peace. The Great One decided that there must be one traveler in existence at one time, so he made the rules about the Traveler. Each Traveler would be chosen at the age of six months and placed on the normal human Earth until needed for the Traveler role. If the Traveler found love and had a child, the first born child you immediately be chosen as the next Traveler. If the current Traveler died before having a child, the Great One would choose another baby with a pure soul to be the next one."

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