(In this short story/one shot, you and Chara are eighteen while Frisk and Asriel are twelve or whatever age you want them to be, as long as they aren't older then you and Chara)
You fell down a whole with your little sister falling right down on top of you. She rolled off, giggling because she knew that she fell on your stomach too.
Well, about that roll part, you pushed her off causing her to roll. But whatever.
You got up and she did too.You walked around and...
"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!"
Your souls came out. "You see these? These are your souls!"
Your color was red while Frisk's heart was red too, just a lighter shade.
You zoned out until you saw the flower shoot out a few pellets toward our souls. Instinctively, I jumped in front of Frisk and tool the blow, falling down to the ground as you was instantly brought down to one HP.
Frisk screamed as the flower started laughing and made a ring of pellets around my soul which came closer slowly.
You then looked up. The ring was gone and so was the flower.
"WHAT AN AWFUL CREATURE, PICKING ON SUCH INNOCENT YOUTHS." The.. Skeleton man-lady...She - man said? You were awfully confused about what gender this skeleton was as it dressed as a woman but had a man's voice. You're just gonna go with a male.
As you continued on you had to stay on a path toward Papyrus and then go through a few puzzles, sparing a few monsters along the way.
You also had to beg Papyrus that you would be fine. You had to promise to keep Frisk safe. In all honesty, even if you did put yourself in front of them to block them, after you would die the thing attacking would kill her after or flee.
You walked along and it was cold. You were wearing a short sleeved shirt while Frisk was fine as they were in a sweater.
You heard a twig break. You both looked back. What the hell? They looked at you and you shrugged. You kept on walking until you heard "Human."
"Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."
You both turned around. You shook their hand to hear a Whoopi cushion.
You started laughing and so did the figure. You both calmed down and the figure stepped from the shadows, revealing themselves to be a boy, about the same age as you, wearing a green hoodie with a white shirt underneath.
"Hah, the Whoopi cushion in the hand trick, works every-" He opened his eyes and looked at you.
He then smirked. "Well hello there pretty mirror." He said with a wink. Frisk elbowed you as you blushed a deep red.
"The names Chara."
"I-uh..Oh! My name's Y/N and this is Frisk!"
Frisk waved. "Hey there cutie,I have a brother who looks your age." Frisk giggled as he pinched her cheek.
Frisk was at that age were it's not all about barbies. It's all about the cute boys.
"Hey listen you two. Me and my brother have been waging war on each other lately. We'll be showing up here and there roleplaying and it'd be more fun if you could join in partners."
Frisk elbowed me again. "Kinky."
"Frisk!" You blushed and you swear you could see Chara turn red as he walked with you two.