Truth or Dare (Chara x Reader)

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You looked at Chara as they blushed, hearing Frisk's dare. You didn't notice but Sans was giving them a death glare. Frisk's words echoed in your mind.

"I dare you to kiss Y/N!"

You avoided Chara, well, recently you have been. You used to talk with Chara all the time, that is, until you heard that he got a girlfriend.

No, it wasn't Frisk, Frisk didn't want to be with him because he wasn't her type. Besides, she liked Asriel.

You cried your eyes out the day that you got that text from Frisk telling you the 'wonderful news', but she also commented that it's just a rumor that's been going around.

You believed it. He just had to act like a real human.

You shook your head. "I'm going to go outside. Chara can pass, I'll probably be back. Carry on." You said, opening the door and walking out.

Frisk raised an eyebrow before realizing why you didn't do it, but they remained silent.

Chara looked at Frisk. "Why did she leave?" Frisk didn't open their mouth to respond, they just remained silent, glaring at Chara for making her best friend feel like this and act like this.

"Lets just carry on guys, Chara it's your turn."

Chara got up as Frisk spoke and opened the door. "I'll be right back, keep going!"

"I'm going to follow him, I don't trust him being alone with Y/N."

"How do you even know he's going to follow her Sans?"

"I have a feeling."

"Just stay here. He won't hurt her." Frisk replied.


It was cold, freezing to be exact. You were so cold..

So cold...

Were you going to die? You hope you do and at the same time you really don't want too.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice called. You turned around. Chara tackled you.

"Why did you leave?" He asked, trying to catch his breath. You looked away from him and toward a tree. "I don't want to tell you, because I know what will happen." You replied. He raised an eyebrow.

You started crying again. "I heard that you got a girlfriend, and it hurt me,because...."

Chara moved a little closer to you. "I love you too-" You were cut off by Chara's lips meeting yours.

You were shocked, but kissed back after a few seconds. He pulled away.

"It's just a silly rumor, I never had a girlfriend." He said, smiling. You smiled back and hugged him.

You both walked back to the house, holding hands.


Frisk smirked. "Oh, so we have a new couple I see?"

You blushed as Chara nodded.

"So then you guys can finish that dare. Chara has to kiss Y/N on the lips! Let me get the camera!" Frisk said running to the room the camera was in.

Toriel was tearing up. "They grow so fast." You could hear her whisper. Frisk came running back in with the camera in her hands.

"Okay, ready! And... Kiss!"

Chara gave you quick kiss that took you by surprise. You weren't paying attention, so it shocked you for a moment. Frisk smiled.

"I got it!" She yelled.

"O-oh! Let me s-see!"

"Let me see first punk!"

Sans sat there, looking at the photo as the others rushed to see it too.

You smiled.

This is the best day of your life.



Sorry that it's short guys!

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