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You looked around, trying to find something or someone around the area. Frisk was on your shoulders,looking around too.

Your good friend Frisk decided that you both should take a nice relaxing walk outside. You both got lost somehow.

Frisk started crying. "I'm sorry, I thought a nice walk would be nice but we got lost. We should've stayed inside."

"Frisk,it's fine. We needed to walk anyways,it was a nice sunny day. We can find our way home."

You actually didn't even know if you'd make it home. Your friends probably thought that you both were relaxing a bit more before coming home.

"Y/N.. I have something to tell you."

You nodded, telling him to tell you. "I wanted to stop talking to our friends."

You almost tripped as you heard this. "What?!"

"They ignore us, you more than me sometimes. They don't care about us, which is what a bunch of our servants said."

You actually believed this too. All of them said this, a few monsters and a lot of humans said this, saying that you were hated more than Frisk.

"Frisk, I think I know a place we can live. It's far away from our friends and of course they will be walking around where we live, and so we will have to change our name."

You started running to the place that was huge but not as big as the place you both lived in before.

You let Frisk get down off of you and you walked in. Frisk was changing into a shirt that wasn't striped like the other one. You were laughing at a show and they heard you. They put on the shirt and they smiled.

-------'Two days later--
Asriels POV

"What do you mean you haven't found them?!" Father yelled at the young man.

"Well, we searched everywhere, and we haven't found them anywhere."

"LOOK HARDER!" He yelled. The young man ran out.

I saw a group of maids talking to eachother before walking over to me.

"Hey Asriel~!" One with way to much make up on said.

I ignored her and sighed.

'Please find them. I want to see Y/N again.'



You walked around the toy store, smiling as you could see Frisk looking at all of the toys carefully.

They then grabbed a water gun and brought it over to you. You smiled and took it from out of their hands and put it on the counter.

A hand grabbed your arm.

"Y/N L/N, Frisk, you are needed at the castle."

"Our names are Adelynn and Cameron. Go away."

"It is clearly you two."

"Listen, we don't want to see our friends ever again because they don't care about us. Ask the maids and the others. Now go away."

You left the money on the counter and grabbed the water gun, using the other hand to grab Frisk's hand and run out.

"Frisk, you can go out tomorrow and use the water gun. You won't be able to do it today because of them." You said as you kept running.

They nodded and quickly opened the car door and sat in the back seat and you opened the door and jumped in the Drivers seat. You both closed the doors and buckled your seat belts. You drove off to your house.

You parked in the driveway.You got out of the car and you and Frisk ran into your home, making sure to lock the door and relax.

Asriels POV

Our friends gathered around to hear the news the man had for us.

"So, we found them at a toy store and asked them to go with us to here, they refused. They said something about you guys not caring about them."

My eyes widened. "W-what?" I whispered. I got up and walked out of the castle.

"I'm gonna find her...I have to find her."


You yawned as you looked at the time. "Bed time kid." You said picking them up and putting them on one couch,being to lazy to carry them to their room.

You got on the other couch and fell asleep.


You woke up, feeling something on your chest. You looked down to see Frisk, using your chest as pillows as he slept on top of you.

You smiled and carefully got up and started making breakfast.

You heard knocking on your door. You rushed over to the door and opened it.


He looked at you and smiled. "Howdy cutie. I heard you and Frisk said that we didn't care about you both?"

He kissed you, causing you to blush. "Y/N, tell me.. What made you think this? I care about you so much. I care about Frisk too."

"The maids..."

He sighed. "Of course." He muttered. He kissed you. "Well, we all care about you both, anyone who says we don't is a liar."

You smiled and teared up a little.

"I love you Y/N..." He said. He quickly covered hus mouth with his paws.

You blushed.

"I love you too Asriel."

"Y/N THE BACON IS BURNING!" Frisk yelled. You ran into the kitchen with a smile on your face.

You'd tell Frisk later about them caring about you guys, right now you'll make sure that they have a great breakfast.

"You and Asriel make a great couple you know?"

You blushed and giggled. "Sure we do, now here's your pancakes!"

You smiled as they started eating the pancakes instantly.

This is the best day of your life.


This sucks I know but oh well

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