Part 3

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Later on that year I met a kid named Barney. He seemed really like a really nice person and he was really polite and respectful. He also seemed to care about me and how I was doing. At least thats what I thought. I met him in March or April of my sixth grade year and we talked for a while. He was always nice to me and he made me feel like a princess. I was so use to being treated like shit because of squidward and my family that I ended up falling for anybody that just sweet talked to me. He ended up asking me out around the end of May, but I said no.
He ended up asking me out over the phone because I wasn't allowed to go out. He asked me out by about a good 3 or 4 times before I actually said yes. Everything with him was different from squidward and I liked that but at the same time it scared me. I didn't know what to expect from this. We would have verbal fights a bunch of times but we stayed together. He came to my house to meet the family and they absolutely loved him. The only thing they didn't like was his skin color. He was too dark even though he was a tanned hispanic. My aunt and uncle always tell me that I should be with a white man. But me I don't discriminate. I just would never ever see myself with a white man. Sorry that's just something that is not for me. But anyways at this time in my life I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend or go on dates so they didn't let me out unless I went with them. And I wasn't up for it so I wouldn't go anywhere at all. When summer came he and I went on two dates. One was with my mom and my stepdad. They left us alone in one movie while they watched a different one. We kissed a lot and he didn't really try to do anything else with me. He was completely a gentleman. But let me tell you how I got wet just from him rubbing my thigh. Crazy how things work. He bought me a necklace and some earrings. My dumbass didn't even wear it on our date because I forgot it at home.
Before the end of the summer he invited me to go to his aunts house for her birthday. I asked my dad if I could go and he said no. I begged him so much until he finally had no reason but to say yes. Barney's dad and him came to pick me up from my house and we went to his aunt's house. From the moment we got to his aunts house until we left we were in her computer room sitting on the couch. You know how teenagers are kissing, talking all in love and about what they want in the future. After I helped him out with his aunt birthday present.
But, then when we got back to school things had completely changed between him and I. He kept asking me for pictures and asking me to have sex with him. Its my seventh grade year you really think I'm thinking about sex? No. I didn't want to have sex with him but I didn't want to break up with him. So I ended up sending him some pictures because I was like that's my boyfriend and I wanna give him something if I'm not having sex with him. So after school I would meet him before he would go to the bus and we had our spot where we would meet up. Out of no where he stopped meeting me and I started wondering why he was becoming so distant with me. He would always blame it on his dad like he's the one that didn't want us together. We ended up breaking up and rumors started to burst around the school. People were saying that I had sex with him at his aunt's house and that I sucked his dick which wasn't true. This went on for the whole year practically.
During this time schools started this program that was called, "No child gets left behind" and they brought 8 buses of new students. My bestfriend Titi met her boyfriend in these buses. His name was Darnell. She seemed like she really liked him and everytime they were together she always seemed to smile. She introduced me to him at one of the school dances and he kept looking at me and checking me. Whenever I caught him looking at me I would just walk away and come back because I didn't want to take his attention away from her.

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