The Next Day

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Its Tuesday now and I think my friends would be very confused. My mom taught me to train my friends for the war. I don't even know who started the war. When I got to school all the people including my friends formed a big crowd that was holding up the entrance. I was  wondering what is going on and turns out there was a new kid which everybody was shouting because he looks pretty handsome. The bell rang and all of us raced into our classroom. Our teacher gladly introduced our new classmate turns out his name is James. Now there's a new more handsome guy in our class he even beat Ryan the former handsome guy. After that we moved to our Filipino subject. The teacher was just so boring. While the teacher was saying bla bla bla me and my friends were talking about that stuff about yesterday.

After the 2nd period was recess. We headed out of our classrooms and went to the canteen. The canteen price for food is damn high like for a piece if candy ₱2.00 each. After buying we went into table. And talked about the training i said that I'm gonna train them until they reach the end. In a training there's 20 stages with different categories like wizard and witches training, elemental training, keeper training.

We will be going on the magic school when we reach grade 6. Now the training starts first i trained Ellie. 1st test was her to balance with the wind pushing her. That's because she needs to calm herself when a bad thing happens and also the elemental training went crazy it almost burnt the school down and almost froze the teachers. Keeper training was actually pretty easy just parkour with only 5 stages.

When school is over we headed out of the classroom and went to the playground and saw a green line spark almost hit me. I think it came from the third floor." O man my glasses are broken' said Sam that just fell down the slide. "Wait guys! The green thing it must came from another witch or wizard." Said Chris and Bob. You know I think that they have a romantic relationship between them two. I mean after they said that they blushed and looked away. Chris was fixing her hair, Bob was checking his breath. That's odd to see. I don't even know if something is going with me and Sam. She's smart nice and attractive but she's always quite. This time in school girls are dying to meet the new kid. And why girls like him he is bad, mean to teachers, and gross.

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