Skylar feelin

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Mickayla POV

We went to my house because I missed it so much . I jumped on my bed and Mona and Marie came in here with me . I stretched and everything . Like god I missed my bed . I buried my face into my big pillow and closed my eyes .

Mona: you gonna go to sleep

Me: mmmhmm

Mona: okay imma go home then

Me:NO .... I mean no don't leave . Please I don't wanna be here alone anymore .

Mona: why . Are you scared ?

Me: idk just please don't leave .

Mona : okay

She put Marie in the bed and got in with us . She pulled us close and we watched a movie .

Mona POV

I texted sky letting him know that I was gonna stay here . I guess I know why she's scared to stay home alone. That bitch Simone . But she don't nothing to worry about as long as I'm here . I looked down and they was both sleep . Lazy asses. I got up from the bed and went in the living room . I sat there on my phone on YouTube. I was interrupted by a text from Dakota😒



Dakota: Wydd

Me: I Was Watching  YouTube

Dakota: Can I Come Over

Me: I'm Not At Home

Dakota: Why , Wya

Me: None Of Your Damn Business

Dakota: Why You Acting Like This Towards Me

Me: Look I Know You Apologized And Everything But This Being Friends Thing Ain't Gonna Work . Sorry . I'm Sure Your Hoe Ass Gf Don't Want You Talking To Me . And Mines Certainly Don't Like You . ✌️👋🙌

I turned my phone off and went back to the room . I looked in the bed and Mickayla Wasn't there . I searched for her and she was in the corner of her room crying . I walked up to her and hugged her .

Me: what's wrong beautiful

Mickayla: you left me . She was coming for me . And you wasn't there .* crying *

Me: who was coming for you

Mickayla: Simone

Me: she's not coming for you . Okay I'm here now ok . I'm not gonna leave you .

Mickayla:you promise *sniffing*

Me: I promise .

I picked her up and I got back in bed with her . Marie was on one side and she was on the other . She was still kinda jumpy so I was trying to calm her down . When she finally fell asleep I was rubbing her back . I couldn't sleep . I stayed up for about 2 hours just thinking. We have one more day till put date and I don't want her thinking about Simone and how scared she is . I want her to enjoy life .


I got up this morning in a weird way . I woke up shaking and sweaty . My head was spinning but I shook it off . I got some water and checked my phone . I had like 26 from Dakota . Imma block her . And 2 from Sky talking about food and how hungry he was . I went back to the room quickly before Mickayla woke up . I sat on the chair in the corner and got on my phone . My phone buzzed and it was a DM from some girl (Jhonny._Baby ) that's cute for a black girl .

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