III. Time Wasted

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"Life is never as long as we want it to be, and wasted time can never be recovered."

▪□▪J.D. Robb▪□▪

No matter how hard she tried, her magic failed to do as she asked. Because of this, she was forced to walk into the forest behind her house in order to get to Datrax's house. His house was half a days journey, but in the condition she was in there was no way possible that she would make it before nightfall.

Dispite knowing this, she continued onward, feeling her energy and strength slowly seep out of her, causing her to lean against a tree every now and then.

Hours passed by and she knew she wouldn't make it in time unless she did something. She conjured up as much magic as possible and called upon the spirit of the forest, the Waldgeist. It was a big tree like creature that walked the forest, guarding it from greedy beings who wished to destroy it for their own benefits.

This last effort drained her of everything. She collapsed on the mossy ground, gasping for air, each quick breath causing her more pain. Her heart struggled to pump blood into her veins, dancing a dangerously fast tango to a sad a sluggish ballad. This is how I go. Claudia was right. She would die, after nearly 1300 plus year of living and never once finding her mate. Never once conceived a child. Never once had a lover to hold her at night and tell her that he loved her. How was this possible? But she knew. Elves could not conceive, have sexual relations or other with another man or being that was not their mate.

Icy cold tears trailed down her pale face, and then she felt the spark. Somewhere far off she felt the calling of her mate. She let out a sad wail, knowing that she would not be able to meet him. Knowing that she would never get the chance. Maybe Karma really was a bitch.

Her vision tunneled and the last thing she was was a strange creature looming over her, gently brushing her face before she gave into the darkness. Look at me... Look at all the time that I have wasted.


Jameson stared at the man in front of him. His hair was long and a dark blue color that matched his eyes, which in return were entirely blue as well. There was not a hint of whiteness in his eye. Which left him to three creatures; a warlock, a pixie or a merman. But he was banking on a warlock. His powerful nose could smell his magic from a mile away, and pixies were typically much shorter.

He tapped the side of the open door to his house. He didn't exactly feel comfortable around this man.

"May I help you?" Jameson asked the man.

"Ah yes, you certainly can," he said looking him up and down, "Do you happen to be Jameson Aldregresh the IV?"

"Yes that is me."

"Good! Because you see I belong with the P.O.A." he said smiling.

Jameson fought the urge to ket out a growl of irritation. Dispite the beast that he was, the P.O.A- Paranormal Order of America- was something no one wanted to deal with. If they owed you something, you might as well be the luckiest man in the world. But if you broke their rules or they held a grudge against you, you might as well say goodbye to everything you own.

He closed his eyes and sighed. "What can I do for you Mr.-" Jameson drawled out, hinting for a name.

"Ah, my name is not of importance," he said waving his hand. "What is important though, is the major crime that you committed. On September 18th, 42 hours ago at 23:42 hours, you reveled your inner creature to a human who has no known alliances with the P.O.A. How do you plead?"

"Guilty," Jameson grumbled.

"Good. Because if you had lied I would have had to incarcerate you. Since you chose to be truthful, you have two choices; come with me to Homeland and speak with an elder of the Council or stay and share all of your riches all the while becoming my lover," he said with a happy grin on his face.

Jameson blanched, mortified at the thought. His kind were drawn to jewels and emeralds and all things that symbolized wealth. Giving up his wealth that he accumulated in the span of 230 years, made him cringe.

The thought of living with the blue man as his lover didn't attract him either. As far as he knew he and his beast didn't swing that way. He had nothing against a male and male or female and female relationships because when it came to mates, inner beasts are attached to what will give them the most sync with their beast which is the source of their power, and more often then not, who will give them the most pleasure, physically and emotionally.

"I think I'll go," he said, sure of his words.

The man was visably disappointed. "Too bad. We could have had a lot of fun," he winked and smiled what Jameson could only define as seductive.

Jameson tried to smile in return but he was sure that it was more along the lines of a grimace.

The man sighed and muttered a few words under his breath and the smell of magic increased. Soon a portal of various swirling blues was behind him.

"After you handsome," the wizard said and Jameson confidently walked into the portal.

The moment he walked in he felt a calling. Something was calling out to him and his beast roared so ferociously that it was forced out of his human throat loud and deadly.

But just as the calling began it stopped and he fought his transformation. He had just felt his mate and their life ember had just died out.

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