I Am Alone - Part 1 - (Archimedes x Reader)

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A/N: Hey! :D
Its been a while, and I know it!

I made Archimedes X Reader since I've never found one of it.

Well, the P.O.V in this part of the story will be RED Medic's P.O.V! (Since everyone likes him *lenny face*)
I won't do the accents except when they speak so that'll be easy for me to write.

Your P.O.V should be on the next chapter!
Enjoy my nutellas~!

=- Medic's P.O.V -=

I was having another ceasefire day, doing experiments that I always do.

"Doc?" A voice called.


"We 'ave to go to ze rec room..."

"Alright, zhank you Herr Spy."

I stopped the experiment and washed up, changed to my normal clothes.
I walked towards the rec room, everyone was there. And I saw Miss Pauling in the room.

"Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy Miss Pauling! What's up? You wanna do it-"

I smacked Scout's head from the back of his head.

"Vhat are jou zhinking?!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"Okay, okay doc! Maaayyyybe not now." He whispered back.

"Alright you guys, I have a bad news. Gray Mann sent another robot army tomorrow. The BLU Team helped him somehow, and there's no reviving this time, so you have to be careful." Miss Pauling explained.

"Vhat happened to it?" I asked.

"I don't know, but they broke it I guess. But we have no time to fix it. So get ready for tomorrow's battle against them, protect Mann Co. at all costs." She replied.

"We can take care of it, darlin'."

"Piece of piss, no worries!"

"Heheheh, Bring me robots to fight."

"Let's stop that freakin' thing!"

"Mmmph mmmph!"

"I cannot vait!"

"We are soooo *hic* gonna get dem' all, lass."

"Let's settle this like a gentlemen!"

"Let's give 'em hell boys!"

=- One Day Later -=

It was a snowy day, the REDs were fighting against the robots, protecting the Mann Co. We were all in the battlefield, I activated my MediGun and healed Demoman. I noticed that I was fully charged.

"I am fully charged!" I said towards the mercenaries.

"Charge me doktor!" Heavy shouted as he shoots another robot.

I activated the Übercharge, pointing at Heavy. I followed him as he shoots some robots on our way.

"I AM BULLETPROOF!" Heavy yelled while I Übercharged him.

We killed some robots on the way, but I noticed something unexpected.

The MediGun was shutted down by itself.

"What happen doktor?" Heavy asked.

"I don't know!"

A lot of robots came out every second, all of us can't hold any longer.

"Everyone! Behind me!" I yelled as I activated my shield.

"Now this is more like it!" Scout said to me.

I moved forward while the mercenaries shoot them down.

And again, my MediGun stopped by itself.

"Doc! What happened?" Scout asked.

The MediGun was malfunctioning!

"Zhe MediGun! Its malfunctioning!" I replied.

"Awh crap!" He pointed to something in front of me.

It was the tank!

"Quick maggots! Attaaaaacccccckkkkkk!" Soldier yelled as he attacked the tank first, followed the rest of the both team's mercenaries. I have no time to fix the MediGun, so I left it on the snowy ground and attack the robot with my syringe gun and my bonesaw.

But things are starting to get worst.

Almost every mercenaries on the both RED and BLU team were already dead, unable to revive. Only I, Heavy, Spy, and Engie left on the field.

"We can't hold them any longer!" Engie yelled.

All of us were being shot, and not to noticed, it was way too powerful. What kind of machines are they?!

We fell to the ground after being shot, I was laying down on the ground. I noticed Archimedes flew and landed to my hand and cooed. I grabbed a small RED scarf, putting Archimedes down, covering the dove with the scarf to keep him warm.

I grabbed a small paper which was covered in blood and write something on it, putting it down close to Archimedes and a medium-sized rock behind him. I looked up to the snowy sky, letting the snow fall to my face, knowing that Gray Mann won the battle and took over the Mann Co.

I took a last glance at the bird, noticed he was shivering and then I looked back to the sky and closed my eyes.

"Es tut mir leid, Archimedes."

A/N: Uh oh, this doesn't look good.

Part 2? Soon my nutellas, learn how to wait :3

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