I Am Alone - Part 2 - (Archimedes x Reader)

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=- Your P.O.V -=

You were walking around the snowy mountain to build a cabin. You noticed the weather's starting to change into snowstorm. You need to build a cabin fast before the snowstorm starts.

You walked further until you spotted blood on the ground. Your curiosity went nuts, so you followed the track until you were stopped on something stinky and disgusting...

Nine. Nine frozen corpses in the desolate part of the mountain. All without a single soul to remember them, name or face.  

Blood was everywhere, weapons, empty ammos, and... Robot parts? You guessed they were fighting against them.

You walked around the field, until you heard... Something cooing?

You looked around closely, and what you saw made you gasp.

It was a single dove, with some blood on its feathers and a red scarf around it.

You noticed a small, bloody note beside the dove and a doctor with a bloody red gloves on his hands. You picked it up and read it.

His name is Archimedes. Please take care of him.

- Medic

You felt bad for the poor dove. You picked it up carefully and petted him, and he let out a shivering coo. You placed it inside your bag.

"Its okay little buddy, I'll take a good care of you." You whispered to the dove.

He gave a low coo, still shivering from the cold, snowy day. You searched for a perfect place to build a cabin, not too far from the corpses. You found the perfect spot, and you started to build a small cabin to keep you and the dove warm. 

=- Few Hours Later -=

After you finished building your cabin, the snowstorm started. So you entered the cabin and light up the fireplace. You picked the dove from your bag, finding it still shivering from the cold. You put the dove close to the crackling fire, watching as it slowly regained it's vigor, flying around the cabin.

Once you were certain of it's energy, you gave him a good wash, scrubbing away the memories of few weeks back and watching them flow down the drain. The bird didn't seem to mind, thoroughly occupied by the wet splashes he made hopping about the shallow water.

=- Few Weeks Later -=

The snowstoms finally stopped, so you walked outside to see the sunrise.
Well, maybe even the corpses as well. You walked to the forsaken battleground, as Archimedes flew to your shoulder and cooed.

"Yes, Archimedes. It's the time."

You scoured the bodies for any evidence of identity, but in the end you only knew of two, the Medic and a boy whose dog tags read 'Scout'.  You felt guilty for the young man's poor choice of occupation, but you knew what's done was done.

You picked up the shovel you had brought with you and slaved away at digging the nine graves; it was the most honor you could offer, even with not knowing their names.

Eventually, after the sun had all but set, you had managed to finish your duties, each grave head-capped with a stone and something you had taken from their bodies. 

A helmet.
A gas mask.
A sniper rifle, hat, and sunglasses.
A worker's hardhat and goggles.
A grenade launcher.
A well-used butterfly knife.
An old machine gun.  

The only marked graves belonged to Scout and the man titled Medic.

You felt slightly unhappy with the gravestone-not having known anything about the others, not even a title-yet there was nothing you could do.

Before you buried the dove's original owner, you stripped him of the mechanical pack and coat he wore.

The pack was useless, having been torn to pieces by some ferocious foe at some point, so you left it at the stone's base. The coat you set aside, since Archimedes had taken a liking to it, and returned your gaze to this 'Medic'.

You removed his glasses, setting them with the coat, before finally pushing the dirt over the man, sealing his corpse in his final resting place. You had gone through the honor of crossing his hands over his chest, like you had done with the others, to give some semblance of a proper burial. 

You stood before the blank stones, hands folded in front of you, silently conveying your respect to these unsung heroes before heading home, your white friend perched on your shoulder all the while.

He's been with you for a few months now, happily following you throughout the day and cooing contently on your shoulder.

The Medic's glasses sit on your desk, protected in a glass case from dust and all sort of hazards while his coat had been immortalized in a frame that is now hanging on your wall.

Archimedes is next to you right now, happily eating bird seed from a small plate; however you do believe he has not forgotten his old master.

You sometimes find him sitting atop the glass case, sleeping soundly or hiding away in the still stained scarf-which you hadn't washed in fear of erasing the man's scent.

You had at one time tried to let the dove use the cloth as a nest, but he simply wouldn't have it. As if, he knew he would remove the smell of the Medic from it. This man loved Archimedes, and the snow white dove knew, and will never forget.

'I promise, Medic, I will take care of Archimedes for you.

For as long as I have left.'

A/N: Dang, my writings tho.

This one is probably the best, but I'll screw it up again on the next one.

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