Guardian Angel (Cannibal! Medic X Child! Reader)

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Hey guys, I'm back! Exams are hard af ;-;

Here's a thing for y'all! Enjoy~!

You're 9 years old and Germany for this story.

=- Author's P.O.V(?) -=

Never has the girl thought that she'd be alone and depending on survival. She lived in a dangerous city in Germany which there was a lot of cannibals spreading around. Ever since her parents were murdered by the cannibals, she has been running. Wandering through the streets as a homeless and an orphan child. From all the starvation and lack of communication, she began to lose her memories and who she was. Hell, she even started to forget what her name was. She managed to stay out of trouble until that very day. The day she met her savior.

She was walking through the ally to find somewhere to sleep, but it seems luck was looking down on her this time.

"Hey look, a dinner." A man grinned with his friend who smirked wolfishly in victory. The girl stumbled back; knowing all too well about what they were. They chuckled huskily with hunger as they watched the girl fall back from tripping over something unknown with a yelp.

"Don't vorry kleines Mädchen. It von't hurt... much."

She couldn't move or even make a call for help as one of them took her by the throat, trapping her between them and the wall. The man that held her captive was about to bite into her shoulder only to be prevented by a slash in the arm which dropped the girl from her position.

The girl's vision was blurry, but she regained her vision to see her savior stood before her with his back facing her. She gaped at him with curiosity to a white mask with a beak, a bloody lab coat, and a bonesaw. She watched as the mysterious person spared no mercy to her attackers and be slaughtered before her. The mystery person turned to the girl and walked over to her. Unknown to her, she was not afraid of this Cannibal, but she felt that he was also human.

The masked-doctor kneeled before her to her level and lifted up his mask with the look of concern in his eyes.

"Are jou alright, kleines Mädchen?" His voice sounded blunt and monotone, but she could sense the worry lingering from it.

"I'm fine. Danke, sir." She answered with formality hoarsely from lack of speaking.

"Vhere are jour eltern?" He questioned like any other person would.

"I don't remember. I can't remember anything, not even my name..." The girl sobbed while tugging at the sides of her head slightly out of frustration and fear.

The doctor looks at her solemnly, and the doctor suddenly felt this urge to protect her with his own life even if the others disagree with the idea of having a human around. He thought about what it'd be like if she grew up without someone there for her to protect her or even for her to cry on and depend on. He even thought of what if she was never found and starved to death or even eaten by the cannibals.

These thoughts were too sickening for the doctor that he felt his own fear wash over him with worry for the young child. He stood up and held his pale hand out to the girl before saying, "Vhy don't you come vith me? Ich can help jou find jour eltern." He stated this time softly as his eyes softened towards the innocent child.

The girl was amazed at his actions, but eventually she grabbed his hand as he helped her up. She became confused as she watched him take his mask off and placed it on her which was a bit big for her.

"Vhat is zhis for?" She asked him with confusion while still sniffling from her previous water works.

"Ve use masks to hide our identity." He said bluntly.

"And jou reveal jourself to me?" She questions him with surprise as he nodded.

"I don't need to hide from jou since I'll be jour Wächter." He confessed with a small smile before she realized that she was being held by him and he was running along the rooftops with her.

"Don't vorry, (Y/N), I vill protect jou no matter the cost." The doctor reassured her, but what got her the most was what he called her.

'(Y/N)? Y-Yeah... My name is (Y/N)...' She thought to herself before she remembered.

"I-I forgot to ask for jour name, mister." She said softly as she nuzzled into his chest.

"It's Josef. Josef Heilburger. But jou can call me Medic if jou vant."

There's no doubt about it.

He is her savior and protector.

He is her ideal of a 'Guardian Angel'.


Eltern: Parents

Kleines Mädchen: Little girl

Wächter: Guardian

Owhmaigawd! OwO

I guess I have to write part 2(?)

Plus, I need requests since I'm running out of ideas!

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