My Little Demon (Demon! Medic x Insane! Reader)

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=- Warning - Contains Blood, Gore, and specific stuffs like that. -=

Nyeh. Kinda inspired by videogamemusiclover. I have no words.

(I've freaking updated this shit after a long time, kill meh.)

You sobbed heavily while you were watching your brother, being abused by your parents.

You just can't take it anymore, you wanted to run away, leaving what's left behind and start a new life. But you know it won't happen.

Every night, they would come home late, in drunk condition. They took you and your brother to the basement, full of nothingness. Your mother forced you to watch and screamed, pleading them to stop. And when everything went black, you and your brother were still in the basement, locked by your parents during the day.

Sure, They still gave both of you something to eat and drink, but it's still not enough for both of you.

It's been 2 years. 2 years on this hellhole.

You always looked at your little brother, laying on the floor, breathing heavily. Wounds, blood, bruises and cuts covered him. Fear, sorrow, and guilt were the only things that you've felt.

You cried silently in the corner, thinking about how painful your life's gone through. 

But since both of you locked in the basement for God knows for how long, there's a person - no - a creature looked liked a human, but you knew he was a demon.

His name was Josef, Josef Heilburger. The first time you've met him, you were scared as hell. He had red eyes, razor sharp fangs, a long pointed end tail, a pair of black wings, and horns. You backed away until you're trapped in the corner and pleaded him for both of your life, but instead he hugged you, scratching your back with his tail gently, trying to comfort you. You were surprised by his actions, you weren't sure what to do. So you hugged him back.

You told everything about yourself, and he seems pretty... Sad. He promised to you he'll come back when your parents weren't home, since he had some things to take care of. You have no idea what he's doing while he's away although.

But this night, it was the worst. Your parents abused your brother again, you screamed loudly and begged them to stop. Eventually they stopped and left both of you alone. You weakly dragged yourself to your brother. He had a large cut on his chest, and one across his left eye. You stared in horror at the sight of your little brother's blood. His eyes were dull, empty of emotion. You hugged him close and cried.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." You cried. You felt his small hands grab your shirt and you looked down at him. He stared up at you, tears streaming down his pale face.

"S-Sissy... It h-hurts..." Your brother whispered weakly. More and more tears fell as he closed his eyes and rested his head on your shoulder.

"But m-maybe... Maybe the p-pain will stop... If I go t-to sleep..." He whispered again, your eyes went wide in terror.

"No.... No! You can't leave me alone!" You cried out, He weakly opened his eyes and stared at you.

"I'll be seeing you later... S-Sis... I'll promise... I'll remember you..." Horror filled you as you saw the life leave his (e/c) eyes. You screamed, holding him close.

"No! No! Please don't leave me!" You screamed over and over again, checking his heartbeat. No sign of a single heartbeat.

They killed your brother.

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