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(Harry's P.O.V)

I woke up to the sound of rain thundering down onto my window, I looked over to my alarm clock with surprisingly didn't go off,

The time was 7:30 shit !! I was going to be late for school.

I hated school, all that ever happend there was me getting beat up. I swear I don't know what is everyones problem with me, I haven't done anything bad to them. One kid Liam he never leaves me alone, every time I go to my locker he's there about to "give me a lesson." I hate it how non of the teacher actually even care, but who would care I'm only a gay worthless child that even my own dad left because of me well that what my mum says.

I hop into the shower and rinse my hair with shampoo and wash my body with body wash and cleaned my face.

I walked out of the shower with a tower wrapped round my waist and headed straight into my bedroom.
Then my step dad, mark came pushing past me.

"Move it fag, no one want to see you body it's a descries to this family expressly with all those tattoos" mark almost yelled at me before heading of in the other direction.

I could feel my eyes begin to water but I wasn't going to let them fall, why do I have to put up with this it's just not fair.

I continued to walk to my bedroom with the thought of my older sister in my head. Ever since Gemma moved to America with her new boy friend jack, it just me, my mum and mark. When Gemma was here mark was a bit more relaxed. Gemma would always stand up for me, even when we were little, if I had happened to knock something over, Gemma would take the blame. But now she's gone mark is abusive towards me because he knows he can get away with it.

Gemma looks just like my mum, expect my mums got darker hair, a few years back when I had began to get bad with my mental health and my dad had left, she got really bad in herself, he had picked up smoking and drinking and began to smoke crack. I does hurt seeing her like this. Constantly high but you don't want to see her when she's not. This is how she met mark. He was her dealer when she began, well he still is.

I think mark is only dating my mum for our house well I wouldn't even call it a house, more like a shed with 3 bedrooms 1 living room and toilet and a kitchen. We live in a bungalow with cracked windows and a dodge piping system in a  run down estate.  We had to move her when we lost our house because mum was spending rent money on the drugs. Well mark now uses it as a drug den. So we get random strangers come to the house to buy sniff and be on there way.

I get into my bed room and walk to the wardrobe. I opened it up and pulled out some boxers and some black jeans and pulled my white v-neck over my head.

I walked over to the mirror to see if I looked okay and ran my fingers through my hair and let it dry naturally to make my natural curls.
I stared into the mirror at my black eye with is healing but at a slow rate I might add and dabbed a bit of eye cream and a bit of makeup to cover it put so no one will take the piss. I think I got that one when I bummed into mark on my way out the door to school.

I walked down stairs to see my mum cooking bacon and sausages "yum" I blurted out nearly scaring her half to deaf.

"Arh that's not for you it's for mark, yours is over in the toaster and the butter and jam are on the side already" She spoke slurring her words.

I walked over to the toaster and put my toast onto a plate and put a layer of butter on the toast not bothering with the jam.

I lent up against the side as there was no table to sit at. I ate it fast so I didn't have to see mark I quickly gulped down some milk and grabbed my school bag hanging on the back door and left the kitchen.

I walked over to the front door and slid on my old tattered black converses that my nan once got me for Christmas before she died, her and Gemma were the only one that under stood me and understood what I was going through.

I flung my bag over my shoulder and shouted "bye" before I left getting no bye back.

The walk to school was quit pleasant i turned on my phone and put some head phones in summer of 69 came on and carried on walking.


I was sat in English when the fire alarm went off and ever one had to make it down to the football field to be registered to make sure no one was in the school.

We stood there for about 5 to 10 minutes in the freezing cold. Everyone was talking to there mates gossiping what they think might of caused the alarm to go off but I just stood there in silence looking around trying to pass the time. As my eyes were wondering I felt a strong pair of eyes staring into the back of her head. I wanted to turn around but I already knew who was staring. Liam Payne, one of the many bullies of the school, well he chooses me to be his victim. You know when you watch all those American movies with the bully who plays football and the boy who liked to read. Yeah that's the case with me and Liam.

The head teacher came out and stated talking to us to my delight because I felt the stare leave my back, lucky the fire was just a practice so we could all go back to lesson

After lesson had finished I had to go get some books from my locker and but the English books back in. I was to afraid just in case Liam and his sidekicks Niall and Paul would show up at the locker because that's where they usually come because they know I'll be there. Eventually I pluck up the courage to go and get the books from my locker. I walked down the corridor with caution in ever step just in case Liam comes into sight.

I managed to get to my locker and get out some book and put in the English books that was from this morning I closed my locker and turned to see a big pair of brown eyes

"Urh... H-h-hi li-iam" I spoke, my words filled with stutter damit why does my stutter have to come back now.

"Don't say hi to me, fag" he spoke his voice sounded quite deep and meaning to offend me.

"I'm sorry, just please leave me alone" i tried to hid the fact that I was scared but clearly he could see right through me.

"Awh little pussy boy doesn't want to get hurt" the next thing I felt was my jaw had been connected with his fist and then a punch in my stomach and I fell to the floor in pain trying to hold back tears and thats when I felt 3 people kicking me.

"Leave him alone" I heard a shout come from a cross the hallway.

"What are you going to do about it migget." I heard Liam say.

Then I heard Liam grown in pain and run of paul and Niall running after them.


Thank I hoped you enjoyed it sorry the first chapter not always the best but thank for reading XD




Amberxx XD

Behind these sea green eyes ( a larry stylinson love story ) book oneWhere stories live. Discover now