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(Harry P.O.V)

Great Louis knew I was gay great my only friend, now he's gunna fucking ditch me for Liam and the other cool kids just because of by bloody sexuality

I was sat in the boys toilet in one of the cubicles sat next to the toilet because I swear any second I could of been sick

Tears just kept streaming down my pale face and onto the floor

The fact that Louis knew I was gay kept floating round my head witch made me feel more stick,

I opened up my rucksack and pulled out a journal sorta thing but mark takes the mike calling it a girly diary and only fags and girls have diaries

I don't see what my mum sees in him he sleeps, works, fart, eat, burp, drink alcohol.

I swear he has her brained wash into hating me.

I read through my journal looking at every single world and pictures I drew I don't think I've ever read through this book and I've had it since the start of secondary school

I read through all of my journal entry's and sad and nice things that had happened.

I turned the page thinking something good was gunna be only there but nothing can describe the horror and surprise that was on the next page

I stared down at the heart with an arrow through it saying Liam.

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek I carried on looking at it and I don't know but I suddenly lost it

I ripped out the page in rage and ripped it up leaving little bits of torn paper all over the place.

I scooped up all the tiny pieces of paper and flushed it down the toilet tear streaming down my face like there was no tomorrow

Then suddenly the door swung open I quickly cuddle up in the corner wondering who it was

I stood up and walked over to the lock, I opened the cubical door to see Liam standing there with his fist in his palm and walking slowly towards me

" Ha I'm glad I found you first, coach sent every one to try and find you because poor baby could handle the truth" spoke Liam then I felt the most horrible pain in my stomach where Liam's fist was there just a second ago

I fell to the floor in a heap of pain then I felt Liam kicking me in my stomach and in the ribs and then I went blank

Just pitch black


I woke up to the sound of a female voice calling my name

I opened an eyes and looked around I was in the school inferamery

I sat up but then pain shot to my head and my chest and my stomach.

"Hello Harry, are you ok can you tell me what happened" called nurse Hannah, she was quite a new nurse and looked quite young

"I-I can't really remember, all I remember is that I was stat in the toilet" I spoke but my head was still banging

"Ok well your in the school inferamery and you have had a quick blow to your head we have tried to contact your parents and they said it ok for you to say here" she spoke so softly it sounded like an angle

"What time is it, how long have I been here for, who found brang me here" I ask wanting to here what see had to say

"Well Harry it's fourth lesson and you've been her for about 1 to 2 hours and a mr Louis Tomlinson carried you here after he found you unconcase in the toilet." you answered my question how I wanted it well except the unconcase part

"Please may you get him for me" I smile showing my dimples

"I go and ask" she spoke before she walked of

Then I remembered i was in the toilet because Liam told pratticly the whole of my year that I was gay and had a crush on him in year 8 and then Liam found me and stated beating me

Then Louis walked in behind nurse Hannah and stat down on the end of my bed

"I'll leave you to alone for a couple of minutes" then with out any more she walked out

"Hey are you felling alright god when I found you I thought you were dead I could wake you up you scared the flipping life out of me Harry I was so scared" Louis looked like he was about to cry and suddenly pounced on me and hugged me

"I'm ok I guess so did you hear the speech Liam gave you in P.E about you know what" I asked with my eyes shut so I could see him

"Yer kinda everyone did and well it's kinda spreaded it round school one of the boys sent out a mass text messages so everyone pratticly knows" Louis softly spoke

"No no no no shit please say that was a lie great now every one knows I'm fucking gay, now let me guess your now just gonna ditch me because you don't wanna fucking hang around with a gay dude" I yelled

Louis just shrugged

"Why did you even help me even though you new I was gay" I carried on yelling

"Because gays stick together" he whispered

Then he turned around and kissed me, his lips where soft like a feather and it was magical like nothing ever it was just pure love and affection

It was like heaven on earth


Hey hope you enjoyed it, is a bit bad because I'm in a really crappy mood so sorry and I'm sorry not for doing it yesterday I was quite busy so still thank for reading thank you again means a lot just please remember




Amberxx XD

Behind these sea green eyes ( a larry stylinson love story ) book oneWhere stories live. Discover now