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(Harry's P.O.V)

We both turned round to see Shannice standing at the door way

Louis mouth dropped, but I just sat there amazed that we both said it

Talking about it I fell a little better that I told someone presides Shannice but one the other hand I am scared to death because what happens if mark finds out about all of this

"W-what" Louis stuttered to Shannice

"Yes it's true I got raped by mark at a young age" Shannice said as she sat down on the bed

"B-b-b-but, how" Louis continue, you could tell Louis was scared because that's when he starts stuttering

"Well he kinda was my step dad before my mum broke it of and when my mum first said to mark she wanted to break up, well his first reaction was to rape me" Shannice started to cry

"Oh my g-god he's a r-r-right prink" Louis tried to sound manly but he just sounded even cuter when he stutters

"Louis sorry I have to say this but instead of sound angry you sound really cute when you stutter" I giggled

"Shut u-up Harry" Louis sounded angry

"Anyway Louis you have to swear on your life not to tell any one" Shannice spoke

"I promise" Louis said

"Pinkie promise" I held out my little finger

"You so childish Harry" Louis laughed

"I'm not childish, your just a big doodle-head" I said crossing my arms and a big bottom lip

"And there's my evidence" Louis laughed to Shannice

"Just pinkie promise Plwease" I held out my little finger again

"Fine, I pinkie promise" Louis said whilst Louis locked his pinkie into mine and we both shook it

"Thank you" I smiled poking my tongue out to Louis

He instantly did it back

I love having like little kiddy fights with Louis, I would of loved to actually known Louis as a child

I stood up and walked out of the room

"Harry where are you going" Louis questioned me

"Shower, wanna come" I said sarcastically

"Maybe" Louis whispered

"I was being sarcastic,louis" I smirked

"Please" I pleaded

"No! Why do you anyway" I play shouted at Louis

"Can a guy see his boyfriend having a shower" Louis rhetorical questioned

"Louis, no"














"Fine Jesus why are you so interested about seeing me naked" I sighed in defeat

"Every night I have had a fucking wet dream over you, when you go to a shower I clean it all up, I would fucking love to see you body" Louis went all shy

"You really had dreams over me" I went all shy

"Well kinda the first moment I laid eyes on you I fell in love" Louis almost whispered

"What about" I broke the silence with seamed to go on for ever

".....In a shower" Louis whispered

"Oh..." I could fell the awkwardness in the air

"I'm sorry don't worry go and have your shower I'll wait here" Louis clearly had a fact smile on his face

"Come with me" I reached out my hand to help Louis of of the bed

He stood up and we both walked into the bathroom

We walked in and I turned on the shower sat Louis down on the toilet, closed the door and

Locked it...


I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I kinda left it on a cliff hanger so please don't hate me for that but please just remember to




Amberxx XD

Behind these sea green eyes ( a larry stylinson love story ) book oneWhere stories live. Discover now