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(Harry's P.O.V)

I stared at Louis wrist in shock, no words were leaving my mouth, they couldn't, he couldn't. Why did he does this.

I couldn't move, I was frozen, kinda scared to say something,

Why did he cut his wristed, why...

"Harry are you ok" Louis looked at my blank expression on my face

I tried to say something, but I couldn't, I physically couldn't,

I kept staring at Louis wrist as the blood drew from his cuts, it make me sick, physically sick, I could feel the disgusting flavour of sick in my mouth.

"Harry answer me, you look like your about to throw up" Louis stroked my cheek with thumb

It sent shivers down my spin, I could slowly feel the sick taste rising.

I pulled away from Louis touch and ran into the bathroom,

I kneeled down next to the toilet and opened the lid and let the disgusting fluid out if my system,

I've been sick before but never like this, I couldn't hold it in, it just kept flowing out of me

I made disgusting noises with made me more skin, geez what's happening to me.

Suddenly I felt a hand start to rub my back in a circular motion,

I looked up and meet Louis eyes, they were so beautiful and bright, I lost my train of thought

I broke way from Louis eyes and looked down at his wrist, blood still pouring out of them, I felt instantly sick and throw up once more.

"Louis, please cover that" I begged tears drain my eyes

"Oh yer I'm sorry" Louis looked at me and apologetically smiled and stood up and looked through the cupboard to find a medical kit,

"Top shelf" I point out, my head still in the toilet

He grabbed the medical kit and got out some bandages and slowly and carefully around his damaged wrist wincing now and again because of the bandages rubbing against his cuts,

After he had done he continued rubbing my back,

"When I'm poorly, I eat ice cream, do you wanna go have ice cream together" Louis asked

"What about Liam and Niall" I asked

"I think they might be a bit tiered" Louis did a little chuckle

"What do you mean" I was so confused

"Well whilst you were in the bathroom, I told them I was gunna 'do' it with you and well they kinda smirked at each over and said we have plans two, the sexting will come alive" Louis finished laughing a bit

I couldn't help but laugh a little as well,

"So you wanna go get ice cream" Louis asked again

"Yer sure, let me grab my jacket" I smiled and grabbed it and walked out the door

We walked out the door and saw Niall and Liam just leaving their room as well, Niall looked in pain and he was waddling.

"Are you ok niall" I asked laughing a bit because with ever step he winced and the way he waddled was quality

"10 fucking inches, thats what happened" Niall winced again

"Ha, were you going then" I asked

"Were going to Nando's, I thought it would help Niall get through the pain" Liam laughed "sorry we didn't invite you but, by the sounds of you last night I thought you would have been worn out" he continued to laugh

"You heard us" I started to blush

"I think the whole fucking hotel did" Niall joined in

Me and Louis just blushed

"Any way don't worry about us, were going for ice cream, because, well, urm... Harry isn't feeling so good," Louis smiled side hugging me

"Ice cream. in the morning" Liam questioned

"Never to early for ice cream" Louis chucked and took hold of my hand

"Well ok, bye now guys see ya tonight" I smiled at Liam and Niall and me and Louis both walked of


We walked into the ice cream parlour and waited in the cue, guess people do have ice cream in the morning

When we eventually got to the front of the cue, we were served by a girl with brown hair in a pony tail and green eyes, her name tag saying Olivia

"Hello how may I help you" she said, she was staring into Louis eyes, I could tell she thought he was hot, oh no.

"Urm... strawberry please, one scoop and in a waffle cone please" Louis smiled a her, I don't think he's noticed that she's flirting with him

"Yer sure, and you" she winked at Louis as she have him the ice cream, Louis looked really confused

"Chocolate, one scoop in waffle cone, please" I said, getting a little mad how she's flirting with my boyfriend

She quickly made mine and gave it to me "£5.25 please"

"I'll pay" Louis smiled at me and I smiled back considering I had left my wallet at the hotel "can I pay with card" Louis asked

"Yer sure on sec" she winked at him and grabbed the card machine thinge-ma-bobby and handed it to him

"Thanks" Louis smiled and put in his card and typed in the pin

Olivia took the resites from the top and scribbled down something and then handed it to Louis

Me and Louis both took a seat in a booth on the other side of the parlour

"What did she write on the resites." I asked

"Nothing" Louis took the resite out of his pocket and throw it onto the table

I looked at it and quickly before Louis could stop me I snacked it from him and read it

Call me


Olivia :) xxx

"What the hell" I almost yelled

"Harry it's nothing, I don't even like her, I love you" I held my hand across the table but I pulled back

"She was even flirting with you and you didn't stop her" I almost yelled again

"I'm sorry I didn't realise" she argued back

"I'm sorry" I whispered but it was loud enough for Louis to here me

"Sorry it my fault I should of noticed, shall we take are ice cream back to the hotel?" Louis asked

"Don't be sorry and yer lets go" I smiled

We were about to walk out the door when Louis grabbed my hand and walked over to Olivia still at the serving point

" Sorry Olivia, I won't be needing this, I already have the most beautiful and perfect boyfriend ever" Louis smirked in her face

Then suddenly I felt Louis hot lips on mine, it wasn't a long kiss but still, lovely

He pulled back and the face on Olivia was quality, her facial expression was hurlarious,

Louis grabbed my hand tighter and we both walked out laughing


Hey guys hope you enjoyed it my little munchkin. just




Amberxx XD

P.S - I'm writing a new book with my mates it's called two faced it's a Ziam fanfic so please give that book ago, it's written by me and my mates, if you do read it your amazing

Behind these sea green eyes ( a larry stylinson love story ) book oneWhere stories live. Discover now