Part 2

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.Juliet's Pov.


There was a big winter breeze as the bus stopped at the corner of Rose Street at 8:20. Nate and I slowly stepped up the stairs and sat on the 2nd to last seat of the bus. The grey, leather seats were (FREEZING) ,but I managed to handle it with Nate's arm around my shoulder. (We're NOT dating). I drank my morning Mocha coffee while Nate drank his enormous dark coffee plain. "EWWW" I thought in my head. "So are you ready to take the State Tests?" My eyes shot up and I gave him the stare meaning (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) I totally forgot to study! "OMG I totally forgot to study last night. You're joking?! " Nate laughed and shook his head sideways. After a few minutes, I remembered that I wanted to show Nate something that I got in the mail two days ago. I took the envelope& map out of my backpack and showed Nate. "Did you make this? I found it in my mailbox on Monday." Nate took the letter out of my hands and said "I've never seen it before. What is this?" I knew he wasn't lying, so I just shrugged my shoulders and told him I didn't know. He said we should go and find the places marked on the map. After a few minutes I agreed and we would start on Friday, since both of our parents didn't care.

Five Hours Later..

  I shut my tall blue locker and then started walking to my last period/class of the day. I then felt the ac blow out cold air and man it was cold! I flipped my hair back as I saw Bekka in the hallway. We we're friends, and she was pretty much the only (girl) friend I had. We also planned to go makeup shopping on Sunday, and I was so excited about it. When our eyes met we both smiled and started walking to Choir. I told her how excited I was to learn the new song that we're going to sing for our concert. And maybe I'd get a solo! After we got settled in class, we sang the scale and did sight reading for the day, which took 30 minutes. My teacher (Mr. Whit) then sat down on the ripped leather chair asking if anyone would do the solo. I eagerly rose my hand and he smiled. I stood up reading the hand copy and sang the solo! And guess what?! I GOT THE SOLO! WOOO HOOOO go me!  Bekka was so happy, and when class was over I said I'd text her later as I saw Nate. Nate and I then started walking to the back of the school where the bus was. We had a great conversation about the Batman Vs. Superman movie, and obviously Batman was way better. Even though Nate goes for Superman 100%. Boo him. Lol. Nate's friends were going to his friends house, and he'd invited me to hang out, so i said I'd go at 5. When I got home, I grabbed strawberries, a banana, and a apple to make a smoothie. I then cleaned and took the letter out of my backpack to read it again.


When you read this, I hope you'll find out why I had to go. I hope your father isn't too harsh on you, but on the inside, he's just trying to keep you as his little girl. I hope you already saw the labeled map. It shows the three places your father and I had the best moments, one of the places may be run down by now. But, in my time, 1997. It was the best place for excitement. And I hope you find happiness just as I did with your father. I've left an object every labeled place on the map, and I hope they're not too hard to find. Stay young while you're at it, and live! Just don't leave you father for me.

Love you Juli,

From your mother, Mrs. Rae


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