Part 16

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.Juliet's Pov.

-Monday Morning-

I was getting ready for the day by getting out of Nate's guest bedroom taking my hair out of a bun and getting dressed in a black silk shirt along with black work pants and heels. Today was the day I'd hope to be released from my father. My heart was beating out of my chest as I walked out the door to the black über sitting in the driveway.
An hour later I got to court with a huge crowd of reporters screaming "what's going to happen to your fathers resturaunts?!
How are you going to live Juliet!
Did he really kill your mother?!"
I just ignored them as much as I could and walked through the doors seeing my lawyer, Shannon guiding me where to sit. I sat at long wooden table to the right of my father sitting with his lawyer on the left. He was still the suit he was in yesterday, along with silver cuffs on both wrists, as they should've been a long time ago. Shannon grabbed the 2 cassette tapes and map over of her folder that I'd given to her. After a few minutes she gave it to the judge telling him about how I found it. A police officer then pulled out a cassette tape player for my father and everyone to see. When they stated playing it I ignored it turning around trying to find Nate in the crowd. When I found him, o saw him staring at me saying "everything's going to be ok." And I started to brake down crying. Shannon then took my hand and turned me face forward putting my head on her shoulder. When the tapes finished, two men took it away and the judge asked for me to step up and speak. So I walked up and sat in a seat next to the judge with my eyes on my father. The judge then started saying "Juliet. Do you believe this man killed your mother, Mrs. Grayson. I nodded and looked down staring at my shoes. "Do you have any other evidence leading to how your mother died."
I looked up at the ceiling trying to I hide my tears "no. No I do not." My fathers lawyer then stood up and walked towards me "how could you blame your own father?" I responded
"I....I don't. I-" his lawyer then interrupted me "this child has no point proving this case your honor." I just looked up to see Shannon now walking towards me "Juliet your father has, physically and mean rally hurt you. Correct." I nodded "he also has told you mean things and never cared for you as a real father should." I look back at the judge "he did not treat me like a daughter, he. He told me I was nothing, I didn't belong, I'd never fit in."

5 hours later...

I was now sitting on Nate's couch in his sweatshirt and my black shorts. I couldn't get my mind off of my fathers cold hearted face when I spoke in the court room. I think I might've even seen him smile. God I hated him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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